Apr 16, 2008 03:30
В продолжение обсуждения вопроса, какая часть тела ББ самая привлекательная.
Ник рассказывает, как он впервые увидел Бликсу:
Finally, the camera found the third man. He was the most beautiful man in the world. He stood there in a black leotard and black rubber pants, black rubber boots. Around his neck hung a thouroughly fucked guitar. His skin cleared to his bones, his skull was an utter disaster, scabbed and hacked, and his eyes bulged out of their orbits like a blind man's. And yet, the eyes stared at us if to herald some divine vivitation. Here stood a man on the trashhold of greatness; here stood a Napoleon victorious amongst his spoils, a conquering Caesar parading his troops, a Christ akimbo on Calvery. Blixa Bargeld.
[Cave, Nick, 1989. Thistles in the soul. In: Maeck, Klaus (Hrsg.), Einstürzende Neubauten, Hör mit Schmerzen, Listen with pain, page 86. EME, Bonn]
Он сразу оценил, эстет!))