How to Woo a Merc - part 7

Jun 09, 2008 22:51

Title: How To Woo A Merc
Author: Ru_salki99
Rating: NC 17
Pairing: Mal/Jayne
Disclaimer: Firefly belongs to Joss Whedon
Summary: Post BDM. Mal finds himself spending more and more time with Jayne, and it seems like everyone's got somethin to say on the matter.

thanks to hobbitseeker for icon.


He didn’t know how he did it, but as Mal climbed down into Jayne’s bunk he somehow landed on his ass.

They had decided in their drunken wisdom to come to Jayne’s bunk instead of Mal’s, as Jayne didn’t want to be rudely awakened again. Mal had agreed that it would make a nice change and so they had drunkenly stumbled towards Jayne’s bunk, no doubt waking everyone up as they did.

“You alright?” Jayne asked as he turned and saw Mal, laughing his ass off as he sat on the floor.

“Shiny,” Mal told him as he attempted to pull himself up.

Jayne stumbled over to him to help, but instead all he managed to do was pull him up with such momentum that they ended up falling over again. Mal looked down to where he was lying on top of Jayne, locked eyes with him for a couple of seconds and then they both burst out laughing again. Eventually though, their laughing faded away and the look in both of their eyes became more intense.

Realising that they were both wanting the same thing, they dove for each other’s mouth’s at the same time. Their lips connected in a violent mash of teeth and tongues as they ripped the clothes from one another, both desperate to feel skin on skin and neither of them caring about the cold floor beneath them.

As Jayne shoved his pants down, he rolled them over so that Mal was underneath him and then crawled backwards, trailing his tongue down Mal’s bare chest and pulling his pants off as he went.

“Jayne you don’t…” Mal began but he was cut off as Jayne took him deep into his mouth. Yup, Jayne was definitely a fast learner.

Remembering everything he liked and disliked about getting head, Jayne tried his best to make this as good for Mal as he had made it for him. Sure the alcohol in his system was making him feel a bit fuzzy, but he wasn’t about to stop. Not until Mal was finished.

Jayne was a natural. Not only did he have a mouth like a hoover, he was somehow able to take Mal all the way down the back of his throat without gagging once. It was amazing, no, it was better than amazing. There weren’t no words for it, it were that good, “Tain xiode do that again,” he said as Jayne moaned around him, sending pleasurable vibrations shooting down his shaft and into his belly. Jayne smiled around him and did it again, causing Mal to explode into his mouth.

Making sure to swallow everything down, Jayne let him slip from his mouth with a loud pop. He smiled up at Mal triumphantly, “I do good?” he asked.

“You do… are you insane?” Mal asked with a grin, “You did better than good.”

Jayne grinned, “Really? You ain’t just sayin that?”

“Jayne, if it hadn’t have been good, it wouldn’t have worked,” Mal told him as he ran his fingers through his hair and pulled him down for a kiss.

As Jayne settled himself onto top of Mal, melting into the kiss, he shuddered slightly as he felt Mal grasp onto him.

“My turn,” Mal told him before he pushed Jayne off him and onto his back and then shimmied down his body.


“Mornin Jayne,” Kaylee said cheerily.

Jayne opened his eyes to try and figure out where her voice was coming from, but he was hampered by Mal’s messy mop of hair blinding him.

“Is that Kaylee?” Mal mumbled into his chest.

“And Good Morning Captain,” she said before adding a wolf whistle.

Mal looked over his shoulder, allowing Jayne to raise his head slightly and they both clocked her at the same time. She was hanging upside down from the hatch, her disembodied head starin at them.

“Next time you decide to rut on the floor, you might want to remember to close the hatch over. Never know who might look in on ya,” she grinned.

Mal all but scrambled off of Jayne to find something to cover himself with, which in reality just showed off more of himself than before and let her see all of Jayne too.

“Oh my,” she said to Jayne, “Now I see why the Cap like’s you.”

“Kaylee!” Mal shouted as he sat on Jayne’s bed and pulled a pillow over his lap. Jayne just grinned at her and propped himself up on his elbows before wincing slightly at the pain he felt in his head.

Kaylee smiled at them both again, “Breakfast is in five,” she said before disappearing and pulling the hatch shut with her.

Mal collapsed onto the bed with a loud groan, “Don’t know about you, but I intend to sleep in this morning.”

“Move over,” Jayne said as he climbed onto the bed next to him. He wrapped him self around Mal, who pulled the bed sheet up and over the both, “Sounds shiny,” Jayne added as he leaned up and dimmed the lights.


Neither Mal or Jayne made an appearance until late in the afternoon. Luckily they hadn’t needed to be anywhere, or in fact needed anything doing as they were both still extremely hung over and really no use to anyone. That was why they found themselves sittin in the common area just talking to each other.

Mal had his head lying in Jayne’s lap as Jayne gently stroked his fingers through his hair, his own head thrown back against the sofa.

“So you ain’t never had a boyfriend?” Jayne asked him in surprise. He had thought from they way Mal spoke that he had had his fair share of male lovers.

“Nothin that lasted more than a couple of weeks,” he explained, “Nothin serious. Ain’t even had a proper girlfriend neither.”

Jayne shook his head in disbelief, “Even I’ve had girlfriends.”

Mal turned onto his side so that he was facing Jayne. Feeling him move, Jayne opened his eyes and looked down at him.

“You’ve had girlfriends?”

“I ain’t a leper,” Jayne said as he smacked him on the back of the head, “Used to be quite popular back home.”

“That why you left? To get away from all your adoring fans?” Mal asked him with a smirk.

“No, I left cause the only work available was workin in the mines, and there weren’t no way I was workin in no mine. Slavin away all day in the dirt and getting paid hardly anythin. At least out here I get to do pretty much what I want, get paid a decent amount, not to mention I get to shoot things too.”

Mal smiled, “Yeah, shootin things is fun,” he said, bringing his hand up to Jayne’s waist and rubbing his palm on his belt, “You know what else is fun?”

Jayne pushed his hand away, “Not here,” he said, making Mal pout, “Look I don’t mind bein like this with you, but it was bad enough Kaylee seein us lying together. Don’t want no one seein us do that.”

“Sorry,” Mal said, smiling again, “So, I take it then that you ain’t gonna be telling your folks about me anytime soon?”

Jayne shifted uncomfortably at the question, “They got no need to know,” he said, “It’d only upset them.”

Mal nodded, not really holding that against Jayne none. It was difficult to come to terms with this sort of thing yourself, let alone trying to explain it to family. At least Mal didn’t have any family he had to explain himself to, so he wasn’t gonna push Jayne on this particular subject. Would just be nice to be acknowledged is all.

“Don’t mean I don’t care about you though,” Jayne said as he began stroking his hair again, “Cause I do.”

“I care about you too,” Mal said as he sat up and placed a kiss on Jayne’s lips.

Jayne smiled, “And you know, maybe at some point I’ll tell them. Just you know…”

“I know. You want to wait. That’s fine,” Mal said as he sat next to Jayne, resting against his shoulder.

Feeling a weight lift off his shoulder at Mal’s words, knowing that he wasn’t going to make a big deal about this, Jayne wrapped his arm around Mal’s shoulders and pulled him close, both of them closing their eyes ready to go back to sleep.

“I hate to interuppt,” Simon said as he stopped halfway down the stairs, “But dinner is ready, and since you haven’t had anything to eat all day I suggest you come and join us. You can go back to sleep after that.”

Giving a heavy sigh Mal got to his feet, “Come on then liànrén, lets go see if we can stomach anything.”

Taking Mal’s hand, Jayne let him haul him to his feet, “liànrén?” he mouthed as they followed Simon up the stairs, humour evident in his eyes.

Mal shrugged, “Seemed right,” he said whispered, “You don’t like it?”

“Just surprised me is all,” Jayne whispered back at him before leaning down and kissing him.

Simon turned round at the sound of banging and rolled his eyes at the sight of Mal pinned to the wall as Jayne tried his best to kiss the life out of them. Deciding to just leave them to it he carried on his way to the galley so that he could eat his meal whilst it was still warm.


Mal and Jayne hadn’t gone back to bed after dinner. They hadn’t been spending much time with the others and so decided to join them in a game of tall card - although, both of them avoided the engine hooch that Kaylee was passing about.

Just as Simon was dealing out a fresh hand, River who’d been up on the bridge putting Serenity to sleep came down to the galley.

“Jayne. May I speak with you please?” she asked nervously.

“Sure,” he said, “Go ahead.”

“I meant alone.”

Jayne snapped his head up to look at her, “Why you want to speak to me alone for?”

Sighing, River realised she wasn’t about to get him on his own, “Jessie’s waving you,” she said as she took a seat and helped herself to a small measure of engine hooch.

Jayne dropped his cards and ran to the bridge, Mal and everyone bar River hot on his heels.

“Jessie?” he asked as he sat himself down.

“Jayne?” the woman asked, “Thank the Lord. You have no idea how hard it’s been to find you.”

Jayne nodded in acknowledgement, “What you needin me for?”

“Me and Sally’ve been evicted. Local landowner round here is sellin off all his land to the Alliance. Apparently they’re wanting to build some sort of power station or some such. Whatever the reason we ain’t got anywhere to go and we ain’t got enough money to buy us normal passage home. Was wonderin if we couldn’t work out some sort of deal with your captain to take us home.”

Jayne cleared his throat nervously, “Gimme a minute. I need to ask him. See if we can make it out there,” he said as he got up and pulled Mal to the side.

“Can we take them home?” he asked.

“Who is she?” Mal asked him curiously.

Jayne took a deep breath, “My wife,” he said, “She’s my wife.”


tain xiode - name of all that’s sacred
liànrén - lover (male)

mal/jayne, firefly, fanfic

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