Happy Birthday

Mar 26, 2008 22:01

Title: Happy Birthday
Author: Ru_salki99
Rating: NC 17
Pairing: Jack/Owen/Ianto
Disclaimer: Torchwood belongs to BBC
Author's notes: Due to popular demand, I give you this. Sequel to Watching You.
Summary: PWP. It's Ianto's birthday and Owen joins in the celebrations.

Owen was just packing up for the night. Tosh and Gwen had already left, Tosh feeling a bit under the weather and just wanting to go to bed and Gwen wanting to spend some time with Rhys. After he had found out about the nature of her work, she’d been awfully clingy to him. Owen couldn’t say he cared though, it was about time she paid some attention to the poor bloke. He deserved better than Gwen anyway, that was for sure, but with it being almost six months since his and Gwen’s last encounter, he wasn’t sure if it was any of his business anymore. Gulping down the last of his coffee he picked up his jacket.


Owen turned to see Jack standing at the entrance to his office, braces off his shoulders and shirt unbuttoned, showing his lean and muscular body underneath.

“Jack?” Owen asked.

“It’s Ianto’s birthday today,” Jack said as Ianto stepped out from behind him to stand at his side. His shirt was also undone showing off a rather surprisingly hairy chest and a small tattoo just underneath his naval.

Owen nodded, “The big two four. He must be excited.”

Jack smiled at him slyly as he pulled his jacket on, “You didn’t get him anything.”

Owen froze one sleeve inside his jacket as Jack pulled Ianto to stand in front of him. He wrapped a hand around his waist and began unbuckling Ianto’s belt. Ianto leaned back against him, resting his hands on Jack’s forearms as his hands made his way inside Ianto’s underwear.

“We were wondering,” Jack said as he placed a kiss on Ianto’s neck, “If you would like to join us.”

“What?” Owen blurted out, his head snapping up away from Ianto’s crotch and Jack’s hand.

“Do you want to join us,” Ianto said rather breathily, “Jack says I need to have a big celebration and well, can’t say I’m not keen on the idea either.”

Owen bit his lip in consideration, “Are you two just trying to wind me up?” he asked.

Jack looked up at him, “One thing I never joke about Owen, is sex.”

Owen nodded, he knew this was true. He took a couple of small steps forward, closing the distance between them, “What would you like for your birthday then Ianto?”

Ianto grinned the most primal grin Owen had ever seen on him. He reached forward and pulled Owen towards him before capturing his lips in his own. Owen melted into the kiss, wrapping a hand around Ianto’s neck whilst his other went up into Jack’s hair. He could feel Jack’s hand still moving within Ianto’s underwear against his own crotch. He pulled free from the kiss and looked to Jack whose eyes were smiling. Ianto leaned back against Jack and watched as he leaned down and kissed Owen. All it did was make him even hornier and he found himself bucking in Jack’s hand and against Owen.

When Owen pulled free from kissing Jack, he looked up at Ianto who just smiled before stepping away from them both. He stood back and gestured for Owen to head towards the hatch door in the corner. Owen looked between the both of them again. He’d only ever been down there once and that was after Jack had buggered off and he’d been looking for any clues as to where he had gone. Jack had never given him permission to go down there.

“Sometime today would be nice Owen, “ Jack said with a grin.

Owen just nodded and headed towards the hatch. He felt two strong hands come up to his shoulders as he walked past and realised that it was Jack pulling his jacket back off him. He was undressing him already.

He quickly climbed down the ladder, expecting to land on the bed, but he didn’t and so when he reached the bottom he quickly glanced around the room. Jack had redecorated, or at least, he’d moved things about. The bed (now a double) was now at the far side of the room, next to the door that led to his small bathroom. There was a small leather couch against the wall to his right and an old oak desk and chair against the wall to his right, with a matching wardrobe next to it. It was rather cluttered, but cosy at the same time. He’d also put some photos up on the wall. A couple of black and white ones of himself and what he assumed to be past lovers as there were also a few of himself and Ianto spotted about too.

“You wanna back out, now’s the time,” Jack said as he landed at the bottom of the ladder.

He stood there and reached up, tracing his hands up Ianto’s thighs and waist as he climbed down, pulling the hatch shut over him. When Ianto reached the bottom he spun and kissed Jack with so much passion that Owen felt that he was intruding slightly, that was until two sets of bright blue eyes turned to look at him.

“You sure about this Owen?” Ianto asked.

Owen studied them both for a second before nodding, “I think I’d be mad to walk away from this opportunity.”

Jack and Ianto smiled before moving away from the ladder. Ianto stood in front of him, stroked his hands down his chest before hooking his fingers under the hem of his jumper and pulling it over his head. As he did this, Jack removed his cufflinks and shrugged off his own shirt. He then came up behind Ianto and dragged his shirt off his shoulders, leaving them all topless.

Jack then moved to stand behind Owen and began placing soft kisses on his neck and shoulders as Ianto did the same to his front, working his way down onto his knees in front of him. He lavished Owen’s stomach with small kisses and nibbles as Jack gently unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them off his hips. He then settled his hands on Owen’s hips and pulled him back to lean against him. Ianto looked up at Owen before painfully slowly pulling his boxers down to meet his jeans on the floor.

Owen took in a deep breath at the sight of Ianto kneeling before him whilst Jack grasped him in his strong hands. He worked his hands up and down Owen for a couple of seconds, making him whimper with a need for more before he stopped and held him out, the head of his cock mere millimetres away from Ianto’s mouth. Owen could feel Ianto’s hot breath on him, driving him insane. And then, just as he was about to insist that Ianto move, he did. He took Owen deep into his mouth, all the while not breaking eye contact with him. Owen wanted to grab onto Ianto’s hair and buck against him. But Jack had wrapped his free arm around him, effectively pinning his hands to his side, whilst his other hand worked up and down the base of his cock, the bit that Ianto couldn’t take in.

It didn’t take long. Ianto was clearly very skilled at his and with the added touch of Jack, he soon found that he was emptying himself into Ianto’s mouth.

As he tried to get his breath back, he could feel Jack’s arm loosening and Ianto standing up again.

“You okay?” Ianto asked him as he placed soft kisses on his neck, his arms reaching behind him to unbuckle Jack’s belt.

“Yeah,” Owen nodded as he let his own hands stroke down Ianto’s back and to the front of his trousers. He made quick work of his belt and zipper and pushed the trousers off his hips.

“I think we should move this somewhere a little more comfortable,” Jack said as he stepped away from Owen, kissing both he and Ianto softly as he walked over to the bed.

He was completely naked now and bending over to look for something in a drawer. Owen had to admit, he had a really nice arse. But his attention was quickly drawn away from that to the fact that Ianto still had his underwear on. So, deciding to take matters into his own hands, he turned Ianto back to him, kissed him thoroughly whilst pushing his boxers off his hips. Ianto wrapped his arm around his neck and pulled him closer to him. Their bodies were flush against each other and Owen could feel himself getting hard again as Ianto thrust against him.

“Hey, should I just leave you two alone...” Jack interrupted. Owen blushed, but Ianto just looked up at him and smiled cheekily.

Jack grabbed Ianto’s hand and pulled him over to himself, also kissing him thoroughly as if trying to remind Ianto just who his boyfriend actually was. Just as Owen was beginning to feel like a spare part again Jack grabbed his arm too and pulled him over to the both of them.

“Bed,” he said to Owen, who gulped deeply and sat down on the bed.

Ianto and Jack sat either side of him. Jack pulled him into a kiss whilst Ianto’s hand went southwards to caress his now very sensitive cock. They didn’t stay like that though. Soon both men were shifting, Jack standing back up again whilst Ianto climbed behind Owen. He used his hands to pull Owen up onto his hands and knees and Owen suddenly realised just what was going to happen.

He looked up to see Jack smiling down at him. He tried not to pay too much attention to Jack’s massive cock that was centimetres from his face, but it was rather hard to do as it was just right there.

Jack took hold of himself and gently rubbed the head of his cock on Owen’s cheek, trailing it across his lips and then against his other cheek. He made to do this again, but as he did so Owen jerked slightly as Ianto slipped two slicked up fingers inside him. Owen gasped, making Jack and Ianto chuckle slightly. Jack rested the head of his cock on Owen’s bottom lip, letting Owen’s hot breath wash over it. As he felt Ianto nudge his prostate slightly, his eyes snapped open and he looked up at Jack. Their eyes connected and so he delicately extended the tip of his tongue out and swiped it over the head of Jack’s cock. Jack groaned and closed his eyes, but he didn’t move. He either wanted to take things really slowly, or he was allowing Owen to take over. Owen was more inclined to think it was the former and so he carried on lapping at him, knowing that Jack would tell him if he wanted him to do anything more.

He was sucking gently at the tip of Jack’s cock, when he felt Ianto remove his hand. He had expected him to perhaps push third finger in, but he didn’t. Instead he felt the head of Ianto’s cock resting against his entrance.

“Jack,” Ianto said. Jack opened his eyes and looked at Ianto and together, the both of them entered Owen.

Owen was a bit too shocked to do much at first, but then Jack wound a hand into his hair, whilst Ianto gripped onto his hips. Ianto moved first, pulling out slowly before quickly thrusting back in. As he thrust in, Jack pulled out, and then as he thrust in, Ianto pulled out.

Owen placed a hand on either side of Jack’s hips to steady himself. He looked up and saw that Jack was watching Ianto intently and no doubt Ianto was doing the same with Jack. That’s when he realised. He wasn’t a part of this. He was just some sort of sex toy to them both. But then, as Ianto began thrusting against his prostate with gusto, he decided he really couldn’t care.

He greedily sucked on Jack, wanting to give Jack as much pleasure as Ianto was giving him. Jack pulled on his hair slightly as Ianto leaned forward and wrapped a hand around his neglected cock. Owen groaned around Jack. He was feeling himself getting slightly dizzy and knew that he was about to come again. But apparently, so were Jack and Ianto. As stars shot in front of his eyes he did his best to swallow all of Jack’s seed down whilst he felt Ianto’s warming up his insides. And then he passed out.


Owen’s head was fuzzy. God he hated hangovers. He couldn’t even remember where he’d went last night. He rolled over to look at the clock and noticed that he was late. He sat up and was about to go have a quick shower when he felt a strange pain in his backside. Oh Christ, he must have pulled a bloke last night. Either that or a very adventurous female.

He turned back to look at the bed just to make sure that there was no one there. There wasn’t. They must have left during the night, but there was a definite dip in the pillow from someone’s head. He picked up his phone and scrolled though his numbers to see if there were any new ones in there. There weren’t. He must not have bothered to get their number then.

He got up and hobbled into the bathroom. He checked the bin to make sure he’d used protection at least. There was a used condom and a condom wrapper right at the top. He didn’t bother taking them out to examine any further. Oh well, he just hoped he never met the guy again as he wouldn’t recognise him. How embarrassing would that be.

By the time he got into work he was really late. Hopefully they wouldn’t have been needing him for anything.

“You’re late,” Jack called to him. He was stood behind Tosh as she went through some translations with him.

“I know,” he said, “Ianto, you got any coffee on the go?” he called over to where he saw him in his little kitchen area.

“One step ahead of you,” Ianto called back over to him.

“So,” Gwen said as Ianto began handing out the coffees, “You do anything nice for your birthday last night?”

Ianto just smiled at her, “Nothing special,” he said, “Just had a quiet night in with Jack,” he added looking up to Jack who winked at him before he turned to Owen.

“So Owen, what did you get up to last night?”

Owen looked over to him, “Don’t know. Can’t remember,” he said with a shrug, “I must have been wasted.”

“Yeah, you must have been.”

Ianto and Jack smiled at each other again before Ianto carried on handing out the coffee and Jack turned back to Tosh. Owen watched them for a second wondering just what that look was all about. Must be some sort of personal joke... he wasn’t sure he wanted to know the details of it. In fact, he was pretty sure he didn’t.


jack/ianto/owen, torchwood, jack/ianto, fanfic

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