The Long and Winding Road 6/?

Nov 14, 2010 17:09

Title: The Long and Winding Road

Pairing: Reid and Luke

Other Characters include Katie, Gretchen and Ali.

Summary: This is a story about the courtship of Luke and Reid

Disclaimer: These are not my characters all mistakes are mine.

Rating NC17

Reid woke up the next morning with a smile on his face. An actual, full on smile, this had never happened to him before. ‘Oh my God, I’m happy, I’m really, really happy,’ he thought to himself. He took a moment to look in the mirror and noted the goofy grin that was plastered across his face. “Snap out of it, Oliver, you can’t let Katie see you this way or you will never live this down,” he told his reflection sternly. The grin wouldn’t fade, and inside his brain was screaming ‘I’m going to see Luke today’ over and over again. He couldn’t stop smiling.

‘Maybe, Katie will still be asleep so I won’t have to face her,’ he thought to himself hopefully.

“You look happy,” Katie said smugly as soon as Reid entered the kitchen..

“I am happy, Katie,” Reid answered incredulously.

Katie smirked at her roommate. “I take it your texting was successful.”

“Yeah, thanks for the advice.”

“So are you seeing Luke today?”

“Yes, we’re having lunch at Al’s,” Reid paused and looked at his watch. “In 5 hours and 23 minutes.”

Katie burst out laughing.

“What? You asked, I was just answering your question,” Reid huffed out. ‘Christ I have got to get myself under control or everyone at the hospital will know that I am obsessed with Luke, and then Luke will find out. Oh My God, who am I???’

Katie just smiled at Reid, “I’ll be expecting a full recap the next time I see you.”

Reid just gaped at her, “Katie I am not your girlfriend so I am not going to spill my guts to you after each time I see Luke. I’m not that guy.”

“Fine,” Katie replied with a small smile.

Reid nodded, relieved that the matter had been settled so easily.

“I’ll ask Luke for the details, because we both know he is that guy,” Katie stated, knowingly.

“Alright Katie, you win. I will give you the details the next time I see you,” Reid answered begrudgingly. The last thing he wanted was Katie and Luke talking about this.

Ten minutes later Reid had prepared and inhaled an enormous ‘breakfast’ sandwich, drank a big glass of chocolate milk, brushed and flossed his teeth, grabbed his doctor’s bag and was headed out the door.

“Don’t forget to say ‘hi’ to Luke for me,” Katie called after him sweetly.

“Hmmph,” Reid mumbled in reply.

“Pardon me?” Katie responded with faux innocence.

“Okay,” Reid managed to huff out grumpily.

“Bye,” Katie called, Reid just waved in response, desperate to escape.

‘I’m so going to have to move out,’ he thought to himself, chagrined.

Reid drove the short distance to the hospital all the while telling himself to calm down, while his inner voice was screaming, “I get to see Luke today, I get to see Luke today!”

No matter how many times he told that voice to shut the hell up, it kept chanting that mantra.

‘Oh my God,’ Reid thought to himself. “I am a bloody 12 year old girl.”

Reid headed to his office, forcing himself to keep his head down and his face as straight as possible, so as not to draw attention to himself. Of course that backfired, as everyone noticed how self-conscious and uncomfortable he looked.

The morning dragged on for Reid. He did his rounds, which barely took up any time at all this morning, had two consults with prospective patients, discussed a patient with a colleague and yet it was still only 11:00. ‘Two more hours,’ he thought to himself, impatiently, ‘what the hell am I going to do for two more hours.’

He began to pace the halls, looking for something, anything to do to keep himself occupied.

The nurses kept watching Dr. Oliver, with increasing concern. They were used to him yelling and making them cry, but they weren’t used to him being so, well fidgety.

“Oh my God,” whimpered Gretchen. “What’s wrong with him? Do you think he’s going to get fired? Or do you think he’s going to fire me?” Gretchen asked feeling herself on the verge of hysteria.

“Is there a problem, Nurse,” Reid paused as she turned around, “Gretchen?” Reid asked, with his blue eyes piercing her brown ones.

“Nnno, no problem, Dr. Oliver,” she replied wondering what it meant that he had actually called her by name. Sure it looked like he read he name tag, but he had never done that before.

Just as she felt certain she was going to pass out under the pressure of Dr. Oliver’s stare, Gretchen saw a familiar blonde head and decided to use Luke as a distraction.

“Hey Luke, it’s nice to see you,” she said in as steady a voice as she could manage.

Reid immediately turned around; in fact he turned so quickly that the nurses were surprised that he hadn’t fallen over.

“Hi Gretchen,” Luke replied smiling warmly at the nurse but still managing to sneak glances at Reid. Luke then smiled and said a general hello to the other nurses who were now openly staring at Reid and Luke.

Luke turned to Reid, “Uh…I was hoping to have a quick word with you if you can spare a few moments for me?”

“Um…uh…yes of course. Let’s go to my office,” Reid then turned back and glared at Gretchen, “See that we are not disturbed.”

“Yeah, yes sir. I’ll make sure that no one bothers you,” she replied solemnly.

Reid and Luke then walked toward Reid’s office. The nurses, baffled by the scene that had just played out before them, watched as Reid and Luke headed toward Reid’s office.

Reid’s right hand seemed to have developed a twitch as it came closer and closer to Luke’s left hand. The nurses were fascinated as they watched Luke finally reach out and grasp Reid’s hand. Gretchen audibly gasped as she saw Reid turn to Luke and smile.

“Oh my God, Dr. Oliver is gay and he has a thing for Luke,” she announced as all the other nurses nodded in agreement.

“Did you know that he was gay?” Charlene, a surgical nurse asked.

“No, I had no idea, but that explains why I’ve never heard about him hitting on any of the female nurses,” Shelagh, a scrub nurse offered.

“Did you see the way he was looking at Luke, after Luke took his hand?” I wish I had a guy that looked at me like that,” said another nurse as she swooned.

Just then Ali came around the corner. “Hey what are you guys talking about?” She asked curiously.

“Luke and Dr. Oliver, did you know that they were dating?” Gretchen asked.

“They can’t be dating,” Ali stated plainly. “Luke is in love with Noah.”

“Didn’t they break-up a while ago?” Shelagh asked.

“Yeah, but they break-up all the time and then they always get back together, Noah and Luke belong together,” Ali said firmly.

“Well I’m not sure that Luke would agree with you, he and Dr, Oliver just went into Reid’s office, and they looked pretty cosy,” Charlene said with a wink.

“Hey maybe Noah found out about Luke and Dr. Oliver and that’s why he punched Dr. Oliver in the nose in the Lakeview last week when the three of them were meeting with Dr. Hughes and that horrible Ms. Cross,” ventured Gretchen.

“What are you talking about? Noah would never punch anyone. He’s a very gentle soul and besides I’m sure that he has nothing but gratitude for Dr. Oliver,” Ali said, defending her friend.

“No, Noah definitely clocked Dr. Oliver, my sister Ellen, works at the Lakeview and she saw the whole thing. Noah caused quite a scene,” Gretchen assured the other nurses, feeling more confidant than she ever had before at the hospital.

“Well, I’m not sure how accurate that story is, but I do know that we had better stop gossiping and get back to work before Dr. Oliver catches us talking about him,” Ali said sternly, trying to hide how shaken she was by these revelations. She made a mental note to talk things over with Casey later.


“So uh Luke why are you here?” Reid asked hoping that Luke hadn’t just stopped by to cancel their lunch plans.

“I missed you,” Luke said simply smiling warmly at Reid.

“Oh my God you missed me? I missed you too, soooo much,” Reid blurted out, and then realized to his horror that he had said all of that out loud. He was about to try to take it back when he felt Luke’s lips crashing into his, making it impossible to think anything at all.

All he could do was feel Luke’s incredibly soft lips as they pressed against his own. Taste Luke’s tongue as it forced its way into his mouth. Savour the taste of Luke’s mouth as he lost his own tongue in the hot wet cavern of Luke’s mouth.

All Reid’s poor brain could manage was…kissing Luke…heaven…don’t ever want this to stop.

Reid was melting, literally melting into Luke. He moaned blissfully against Luke’s lips and was rewarded with a smile. He couldn’t see Luke’s smile, but he could feel it against his lips and it made him melt a little bit more.

He was lost in the depths of Luke’s mouth, when his brain suddenly registered something else. Luke was unbuttoning his shirt, slowly. Luke’s fingers lightly dragging over Reid’s newly revealed skin. Luke’s touch was electric and it sent tiny shock waves directly to Reid’s ever hardening cock.

“Door….lock…need…to …lock…the…door” Reid managed to sputter out without completely breaking contact with Luke’s lips

“Already done,” Luke whispered as he pulled away from Reid’s mouth and started working on Reid’s neck.

“Luuuuukkkke,” he moaned, caught up in the sensations that Luke’s mouth sent reverberating throughout Reid’s entire body.

Reid had had lots of sex with lots of different men, but he could not remember ever feeling this good, or this connected to another man.

“Luke,” he whimpered as Luke stopped kissing his neck.

“Shhh, I just want to look at you, Reid, you are so beautiful,” Luke said with a touch of awe in his voice.

Reid just stood transfixed, staring at Luke as the other man stared at him. The look of longing etched on Luke’s face made Reid want to take control, remove all of Luke’s clothes and fuck him against the wall, but aside from desire there was something else on Luke’s face, something that Reid couldn’t quite define, but he knew that he needed to let Luke be in charge, so he waited to see what Luke wanted to do next.

Luke began kissing Reid’s mouth, he needed that connection. God, he loved kissing Reid. He felt Reid dart his tongue into Luke’s mouth. He loved how Reid’s tongue seemed to explore his mouth, like it was the most delicious thing Reid had ever tasted.

While Luke was kissing Reid, his hands were busy undoing the button on Reid’s jeans.

Once the button was undone, Luke slowly unzipped Reid’s zipper, pushing it slightly against Reid’s throbbing cock.

Reid shuddered at the sensation, using all of his self-control not to come, right there and then. He was desperate for release, but he didn’t want this to end. Luke pushed Reid’s jeans over his hips and down to his ankles, and then he hooked his thumbs in the waistband of Reid’s boxers and slowly pushed them down to join his jeans.

Luke took a moment to stare at Reid’s glorious cock.

“Wow,” he breathed out. Luke fell to his knees and then looked up at Reid whose blue eyes stared back into Luke’s chocolate brown orbs.

Luke licked his lips, and that small movement made Reid’s cock twitch.

Feeling encouraged, Luke asked, “do you mind?”

Reid’s eyes widened in astonishment, but he merely shook his head and grabbed Luke’s head in his hands in order to direct the blonde to take him in his mouth.

Luke tentatively licked the head of Reid’s penis, savouring the taste as well as the sounds that Reid was making deep in his throat.

Luke moved down the head to the underside of the rim of Reid’s penis, allowing his tongue to thoroughly explore the sensitive area.

“Luuuukkke,” Reid groaned, he desperately wanted Luke to envelope his penis in that glorious mouth.

Luke ignored Reid’s pleas and kept going at his leisurely pace. He swirled his tongue up and down Reid’s shaft, spending extra time on a particularly sensitive spot. He pushed his tongue into the vein that ran the length of Reid’s penis and was rewarded when Reid tugged on his hair and shivered.

Luke paused for a moment and looked up at Reid’s face which showed his naked desire for Luke.

“You likey?” Luke whispered innocently.

“Llluuuukkkkke,” Reid cried out in a mixture of frustration, that Luke had stopped, and deep desire, for Luke to continue.

Luke swiped his tongue over Reid’s slit and then took the entire length of Reid into his mouth.

Reid shuddered as he felt Luke’s red swollen lips grasp his aching dick. Luke sucked on Reid’s cock while swirling his tongue up and down the sides of his penis, taking extra care to nip at the vein with just the right amount of pressure. Reid was in heaven, he knew that he wasn’t going to last long, but at the same time he wanted to stay in Luke’s mouth forever.

Luke then changed the movement; he went from swallowing around the head to swirling his tongue over Reid’s highly sensitive slit and back again. When he started using his hand to stimulate Reid’s balls as well he pushed Reid over the edge. Reid came hard, coating Luke’s throat with thick ropes of come.

The sound of Reid crying out Luke’s name as he shot his load down Luke’s throat was enough to send Luke over the edge, and he, much to his embarrassment came in his jeans.

“Wow,” was all that Reid could manage to say as the two men collapsed in a heap on the floor of Reid’s office.

“Yeah,” Luke smiled at Reid enjoying lying in Reid’s arms.

Once Reid had come down to earth he reached out to touch Luke, Luke tried to stop him, but he was too fast for Luke.

Reid felt the wet spot on Luke’s jeans and looked at the younger man curiously. “Luke did you come in your jeans?”

“Yes,” Luke mumbled feeling acutely embarrassed.

Reid leaned over and kissed Luke with as much emotion as he could muster.

When Reid broke the kiss he looked directly into Luke’s warm brown eyes.

“I’m sorry,” whispered Luke. “You must think that I’m a stupid kid, unable to control myself.”

“Luke,” Reid said firmly. “Never apologize for having an orgasm. Orgasms are a gift and they are always meant to be enjoyed. The fact that you came because you were so excited that I was coming is amazing. It felt good didn’t it?”

“Beyond good, it was incredible,” Luke admitted shyly.

“Of course it was, and that was only the beginning,” Reid stated confidently.

Luke just laughed, comforted by Reid’s reaction and happy that there was more to come.

Reid stood up, pulled up his boxer shorts and his jeans and then turned and handed Luke some moist wipes from his desk drawer.

“Sorry Luke, that’s the best I can do. I have extra scrubs that you can borrow so that you will be more comfortable, plus you can avoid having to answer some potentially embarrassing questions from the nurses.”

“Yeah, because no one will ever guess what we’ve been doing in here otherwise, will they?” Luke smirked.

“Yeah well they can speculate all they want but if you go out there in those jeans, someone will take a picture and you and your glorious wet spot will end up being the wallpaper on every computer in the place.”

Luke sighed, knowing Reid was right and took the scrubs. He had no desire to parade his private life in public anymore than he absolutely had to.

Reid watched as Luke changed out of his jeans and into a pair of Reid’s scrubs. There was something very sexy about seeing Luke wearing his pants. Reid had a big smile on his face until he saw the scar on Luke’s abdomen.

“Stop,” Reid demanded. Luke looked at Reid, confused as to why Reid had halted his getting dressed.

Reid moved closer and gently lifted up Luke’s shirt to examine the scar.

Luke froze, finally understanding what had grabbed Reid’s attention.

“Why did you need to get a kidney transplant, Luke?”


lure my fic rated nc17

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