The Long and Winding Road 3/?

Nov 11, 2010 12:55

Title: The Long and Winding Road

Pairing: Luke and Reid

Summary: This is a story about the courtship of Luke and Reid.

Disclaimer: These are not my characters. I own nothing, nothing at all.

All mistakes are mine.

A/N I've used a fair amount of internal dialogue here and I hope that it works.
Thanks to ganeshalemming  for suggesting the edit.

Rating PG13

Luke and Reid drove back to Luke’s house in an awkward silence. Both were feeling tense about what was about to happen.

Luke was driving and secretly praying that he was not going to have an accidnet, because God knows he was not able to concentrate on his driving, at all.

Oh my god, Oh my god. Oh My God!!! I couldn’t help thinking over and over again! Reid said he wanted to come in for a nightcap. I wonder if that is code for “let’s have sex” God I hope so! It has been such a long time.

I could feel myself blushing and hoped that Reid hadn’t noticed. I stole a glance at the other man, but Reid was staring straight ahead and really paying no attention to me at all. ‘I wonder if that’s a bad sign that he’s not looking at me. Does that mean he doesn’t want to have sex with me? Why was this stuff so complicated?’

I took in a calming breath and carefully reminded myself that Reid had initiated sex on two previous occasions. The first time on the day of Noah’s surgery when I had gone over to Katie’s to confront Reid. I remembered how passionately Reid had kissed me. I remembered desperately longing to give in to Reid and just have wild, hot sex, but I had thought about Noah and had not been able to betray him in that way. Truthfully I still regretted not sleeping with Reid that afternoon, well sort of anyways. I’m glad that I didn’t betray Noah and I know that I would have felt guilty about it forever, but part of me still wishes I had just let nature take its course. The second time that we almost had sex was the day that Noah had regained his sight. I had kissed Reid this time and it had been just as passionate as the time at Katie’s. We had been making out for awhile when Reid had whispered that he ‘wanted to be alone with me’ I hesitated because I was a bit nervous. Things seemed to moving so quickly, with Noah I had had to wait for two years. Reid and I hadn’t even been on a real date back then. Even so I have to admit that I wanted to take him to my room right then and there. I probably would have if I hadn’t picked that moment to look out the window only to see Noah staring in the window. I instantly froze. Even though I hadn’t been doing anything wrong, Noah and I had broken up long before this, and Reid assured me, erroneously as it turned out, that Noah wouldn’t be able to see us clearly, I had just felt incredibly guilty. Needless to say the spell between Reid and I was broken and we hadn’t had another moment alone together since. Hopefully tonight we can finally be together.

Meanwhile Reid was having his own internal freakout.

Oh my God. What the hell am I doing? I just went on a dinner date for two. I never go on dinner dates. We decided to be in a relationship. What does that even mean? I’ve never really been in a relationship before. I’ve had sex, lots of sex with lots of different people but never as part of a relationship. Whereas Luke has only had sex with one person and that was definitely in a relationship. Oh my god I’m dying over here. I wonder if Luke knows what kind of power he holds over me. I hope not!! If he does I may never regain my equilibrium.

Oh my god Luke is pulling into the driveway. I said that I would come in for a nightcap. I really want to be with him but I also want to run away and hide. I am a coward. Oh god he’s looking at me with those big brown eyes. He looks so … hopeful I wonder what he is hoping for and I hope that I don’t let him down.

“Well here we are” Luke announced as he parked the car. “Do you still want to come in for a nightcap?”

No, Reid thought emphatically but answered “yeah Luke that would be great” ‘Oh god why did I say that??’

The two men walked up to the house and Luke unlocked the door with slightly shaking hands and they went in.

“Why don’t you have a seat on the couch” Luke suggested. “What can I get you to drink?”

“Uh … just some mineral water would be great.” Reid replied.

Luke quickly went to the kitchen and returned with two bottles of mineral water. Luke opened his own bottle and then took a long drink to cool himself down.

‘Oh my god does he have any idea how beautiful he is? Or how turned on he’s making me?’ Reid wondered to himself.

Luke crossed the room in a few steps handed Reid a bottle of water and quickly sat down right beside Reid. He sat so close that their thighs were lightly touching. Luke couldn’t believe how brazen he was being with Reid. He had never felt this confident in all the time he had been with Noah. With Noah he always had to beg for attention but with Reid he just felt connected. Luke could also tell that Reid was a little overwhelmed by the situation so Luke decided to take matters into his own hands.

Luke leaned over and kissed Reid on the lips. It was a sweet, almost innocent kiss but Reid responded immediately and deepened the kiss. Soon Reid was lying on top of Luke, kissing him, hard. Reid’s tongue had parted Luke’s soft red lips and forced its way into Luke’s mouth. Reid broke the kiss and murmured “I really want to be alone with you.” He looked into Luke’s eyes longingly.

Just then Reid heard a female clear her throat behind him. ’Oh my god, please don’t let that be Luke’s mom.’ Reid silently prayed.

Luke looked up at the unexpected sound and said nervously, “uh… hi Mom. Uh… you remember Dr. Oliver don’t you?”

“Yes," Lily answered coldly.

Reid quickly sprang up feeling like a foolish teenager. With as much dignity as he could muster Reid said, “Well I think that it’s time for me to go home. Good night Ms. Walsh. Good night Luke.” With that Reid rushed out of Luke’s house and headed for his car.

lure my fic rated pg13

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