The Long and Winding Road 38/38

Mar 08, 2011 08:55

Title: The Long and Winding Road

Pairing: Luke and Reid

Summary: This is a story about the courtship of Luke and Reid.

Other Characters: The proprietor of the restaurant named Joe.

Disclaimer: These are not my characters as all belong to ATWT and its parent company(ies). All mistakes are mine.

Rating: PG

A/N Well this is it! I wanted to thank everyone who has read and commented on this story! Your comments have encouraged me and inspired me more than you probably know. I hope that you enjoy this last chapter!

“I want us to live together,” Reid said staring into Luke’s big brown eyes.

“Huh,” Luke responded.

Reid blinked back at Luke, this was not the response he had been expecting let alone hoping for.

“Why do you want to live with me?” Luke asked quietly, staring intently into Reid’s clear blue eyes.

“What do you mean?” Reid asked, truly perplexed.

“It’s a simple question, Reid,” Luke replied, seriously.  “Why do you want to live with me?”

“You want a list?”


“I love you. I like the privacy that we’ve enjoyed at the Lakeview. I don’t want to live with Katie, Jacob and Simon. I just think that it’s time that we had a place of our own.”

“Uh huh,” Luke responded. “So you think that I’m a convenience, is that it?”

“No, that’s not it. Luke you know that I’m not very good at this stuff, but I want a life with you. I’ve never been here with anyone else. I never really expected to have this or even want this, but I do, with you,” Reid finished earnestly. “So will you live with me?”

“Maybe,” Luke began. “It all depends on you.”

“What the hell does that mean?” Reid asked, once again feeling at sea. “What the hell are you doing?” he asked as he watched Luke get down on one knee.

Luke beamed up at Reid, while reaching into his pocket for the ring box that he had been carrying around for awhile.

“Reid, I want a life with you too, but I don’t just want to live with you. I want it all, the whole enchilada, everything!”

“But…” Reid interjected, gaping at Luke. He couldn’t believe what was happening.

“I know that you don’t believe in ceremonies and weddings and all that. I know that you think that if love is going to last it will and if it doesn’t all of the vows in the world won’t save it. I know that that’s true, but I want forever with you, and I want everyone to know that we are committed to each other.” Luke paused opening the ring box.

Reid held his breath, unable to do anything else.

“Reid Oliver, will you marry me?”

Reid stared at Luke trying to take in this monumental moment. He wanted Luke, all of Luke, forever with Luke. He had never, ever considered being married before, but looking at this beautiful man, kneeling before him, hope shining in his eyes, Reid knew that he was only capable of giving one answer.

“Yes,” Reid breathed out, quietly.

Luke could hardly believe it. The smile that took over his face was one of shock and joy.

“Really?” Luke asked, needing to be sure.

Reid merely nodded.

“Say it,” Luke demanded playfully, already placing the ring on Reid’s finger.

“Yes,” Reid answered clearly. “Yes, I’ll marry you,” and then he was kissing Luke and wrapping his arms around Luke’s body, needing the physical connection.

Luke responded fully, hardly believing that Reid had actually agreed to marry him.

The two were lost in each other, until they heard a gentle cough beside them. They broke apart reluctantly and looked up to see Joe holding two pieces of Tiramisu for them.

“I take it he said yes,” Joe stated with a big smile on his face. “Congratulations to you both.”

“Thanks,” Luke smiled back.

Reid mumbled something about being rudely interrupted, but began eating his dessert.

Luke gazed happily at his brand new fiancé, barely able to believe that it was true.

“So Luke, you’re not going to turn into a Victorian romance heroine and insist that we not have sex until the wedding, are you?”

Luke laughed and shook his head. “Definitely not,” he stated firmly, while reaching into his pocket.

“What have you got now?” Reid asked suspiciously.

“Well,” Luke blushed. “I was kind of hoping that we could live together before the wedding, so I’ve, um, been looking at places,” he said handing over some real estate spec sheets. “These are the ones that I like the best,” he finished with a shrug.

Reid laughed and reached for the sheets. “Luke Snyder, you really do think of everything,” he commented shaking his head at his good fortune. “I don’t suppose that you have a ring for me to place on your finger in one of your pockets, do you?” Reid teased.

Luke blushed scarlet, “well, um actually I do,” he murmured shyly reaching into his pocket and handing the box to Reid. “I wanted us to have matching rings, but we can exchange them for something else if you’d prefer.”

“No way,” Reid stated emphatically as he carefully placed the ring on Luke’s finger and then leaned in and kissed Luke lovingly on the lips.

“Are you ready to go?” Luke asked, after reluctantly breaking the kiss.

“Yes,” Reid nodded. “Let’s go home so that we can celebrate our betrothal properly.”

“Well, um,” Luke started shyly. “I was thinking that we might celebrate on the drive home. I’ve arranged for the limo to drive us back to Oakdale.”

“Of course you did,” Reid smiled lovingly at Luke as he stood up and reached for Luke’s hand.

Joe congratulated the two men again as he bid them goodnight.

Once the two men left restaurant they practically sprinted to the waiting limo.

“I love you Reid,” Luke smiled as he began to slowly remove his clothes.

“I love you too, Luke,” Reid replied just before he claimed Luke’s mouth with his own.

End notes: I am thinking about writing a sequel to this where they move in together and plan the wedding. Please let me know if you what you think. It won’t be for a while as RL is really busy at the moment. I blame DANCE!

Thanks again to everyone who has read this story!

lure my fic rated pg

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