The Long and Winding Road 29/?

Jan 07, 2011 19:03

Title: The Long and Winding Road

Pairing: Reid and Luke

Other Characters: Many Oakdaleites

Summary: This is a story about the courtship of Reid and Luke

Disclaimer: These are not my characters, all belong to ATWT and its parent company(ies). All mistakes are mine.

Rating NC 17 for well you know, it’s morning, they're  boys. *shrugs* oh and there’s some swearing

A/N Bob’s retirement dinner is at Metro. I am not really sure if it could be organized this way or not, so please just bear with me.

I have arranged the room into tables of six. Reid and Luke’s table is at the front of the room Bob’s table is beside it in the centre as he is the person of honour. Beside Bob’s table is a table with members of the board.

Behind Luke’s table is where Lily is sitting.

At the back closest to the doors is where Chris, Ali and Noah are sitting. I wanted that table to have an isolated, unwanted feeling to it. It is the table that Chris saw Reid sitting at in his dream!

There are other tables that have random hospital staff members, that are there to fill up the room, but are not really heard from.

People that are missing are Emma who is looking after Natalie and Ethan, Susan who is working at the hospital, Lucinda and John who are still in Amsterdam, Gabriel and Liberty, who didn’t fit into this story. Dusty is not at dinner but he will be around.

Reid woke up and stared at the naked blonde who was curled up into him. God I love waking up with Luke. He is so beautiful, even when he sleeps. How did I manage to end up with him?

Just then Luke stirred and opened his eyes to find Reid staring at him.

“Why are you staring at me? Was I drooling?” Oh God, how embarrassing!

Reid just chuckled and put his arms around the blonde. “No,” he whispered into Luke’s incredibly soft hair.

“Okay,” Luke whispered back, temporarily forgetting what he had asked as he was overwhelmed by Reid. God I love waking up with him. I don’t think that I could ever get tired of this.

Reid tilted his head slightly so that he could kiss Luke’s neck. He took extra time sucking, nipping and soothing his pulse points. He would have liked to mark Luke again but wasn’t’ sure that that was appropriate for Bob’s retirement party. Instead he let his lips and his tongue travel down to Luke’s Adam’s apple. He loved feeling Luke swallow as he sucked on it. He moved further south spending time with each nipple, allowing his fingers to tease the nipple that his tongue wasn’t working on and then switching.

Luke moaned deeply, loving the attention but desperately needing more. He tried reaching for Reid but the older man just batted away his hands.

“Let me,” Reid demanded gently.

Luke could merely grunt his reluctant consent. He tried to touch himself as Reid was going incredibly slowly, but once again Reid pushed Luke’s hand out of the way.

“Reeeeiiiiidddd,” Luke moaned in delicious agony.

Reid chuckled and continued ministering to Luke… slowly.

Reid was careful to taste every part of Luke, not wanting to neglect any of his delectable blonde.

Reid dipped his tongue into Luke’s belly button, slowly moving his tongue in and out of that spot.

Reeeeeiiiiiidddd,” Luke moaned again whilst bucking his hips toward Reid’s warm, hot mouth.

Reid moved away from the belly button, but avoided Luke’s leaking cock and instead decided to explore his inner thighs. He traced a circular motion with his tongue and his hands as he lazily explored Luke. He allowed his teeth to gently graze over Luke’s balls, causing the blonde to shudder with pleasure. He glided his tongue slowly up the length of Luke’s rock hard cock causing Luke to moan and beg for more. Reid merely swiped his tongue across Luke leaking tip in order to get a taste.

“Nooooooooo,” Luke moaned as Reid moved away. “Reeeiiiiiddd, I need more…” he managed to gasp out.

“Not yet,” Reid murmured and gently rolled Luke over. “I have other plans for you.”

“Yeeesssssssssssss,” Luke hissed as he felt Reid spread his ass cheeks and he pushed his ass towards Reid’s talented tongue.

Reid smiled at Luke’s impatience, but he didn’t make the blonde wait for long… he couldn’t. He ran his tongue over Luke’s hole slowly coating it with saliva.

“Reeeiiiid,” Luke urged, grasping the sheets with his hands.

Reid poked his tongue into Luke’s hole, just a little at first, but Luke forced Reid’s tongue in further, and Reid couldn’t resist him. Reid used his tongue to stretch Luke out and then he stuck two fingers into Luke’s mouth, who sucked on them greedily. Once Luke had coated the fingers thoroughly, Reid allowed one to join his tongue. He managed to brush against Luke’s prostate making Luke cry out. Reid added a second finger.

“Fuck…me…now!!!” Luke demanded. He was desperate to come, but determined not to release until Reid was buried balls deep in his ass. He reached into his night table and grabbed a condom. He ripped it open with his teeth and thrust it at Reid.

“Bossy bottom,” Reid murmured, after he pulled his tongue out of Luke’s hot ass. He was more than willing to sheath his aching cock with the proffered condom. He removed his fingers from Luke’s hole and lined up his cock. He had planned to enter Luke slowly, but Luke was too far gone to wait and impaled himself on Reid’s cock in one smooth motion.

“Holy mother of God,” Reid exhaled as the sensation of Luke’s ass swallowing his cock  whole, overwhelming his senses. He began to pump into Luke in a steady rhythm but Luke’s hand wrapped around Reid’s hip and grabbed onto his ass so that he could urge Reid to go faster.

“Fuck…me…harder,” Luke demanded.

Reid was so turned on by Luke’s order that he increased his rhythm and grabbed Luke’s cock and stroked it at the same time. Reid was really close but he was determined not to let go before Luke did so he changed the angle of his thrusts just slightly until he was sure, that he was hitting Luke’s prostate every time. Two strokes later, Luke was flying as he screamed out Reid’s name. His ass clenched around Reid’s dick pushing Reid over the edge as well. The two lay there, their bodies heaving as they each tried to get their breathing under control. Reid gently removed himself from Luke’s hole so that he could remove and dispose of the used condom. As soon as he had, he came back and covered Luke’s body with his own.

“That was amazing,” Reid whispered into the other man’s ear.

“Yeah,” was all Luke could manage, with a dreamy smile.

They lay together for awhile, both of them enjoying the afterglow. Luke drifted back to sleep, but Reid began to worry about Bob’s dinner and couldn’t manage to go back to sleep. Reid carefully lifted himself off of Luke, trying not to disturb the younger man.

“I love you,” Luke mumbled and returned to sleep. Reid wasn’t sure if Luke had woken up or was just muttering in his sleep. Either way the sentiment made him smile.

Reid went into Luke’s bathroom and had a shower. He pulled on a pair of Luke’s sweats and an old t-shirt and headed downstairs. He remembered the morning when Luke brought him breakfast in bed, and decided that he would try to return the favour. I hope Noah does not feel the urge to drop by this morning! Ugh!

Reid quickly brushed off that thought and rummaged around the kitchen in search of Luke’s favourite cereal and two bowls. Reid found what he was looking for as well as a tray to transport the food. He quickly assembled a reasonable breakfast and grabbed some of Emma’s muffins to make it better. Luke had set the coffee pot the night before so Reid was able to pour out two cups of coffee for them. He took the food and headed upstairs and back to a very appreciative Luke.


Later that day Chris was preparing for the evening’s festivities. He was pleased that Katie would be sitting with him and that Reid would be stuck all alone at the back. He had thought about calling Katie and seeing if she wanted him to pick her up, but had decided that she would have to work a little bit harder to get back into his good graces.

He would arrive with Alison as planned.

He nodded at his reflection once he had finished putting on his tuxedo and tying his tie. I will make a very handsome chief of staff, indeed.

He checked his watch and saw that it was 6:45, the dinner was set to start at 7:00 but Chris wanted to make a grand entrance that he had seen in his dream so he planned on arriving fashionably late. After all he didn’t want to deprive his audience. That would just be rude. Really he was doing it for others. He smiled to himself.


Ali was wondering where the hell Chris was. It was 6:50 and he was nowhere in sight. Perhaps he had asked someone else to go with him instead. Ali sighed heavily as she thought about calling a cab. I’ll give Chris five more minutes and then I will call myself a cab. Noah had left fifteen minutes ago and promised to keep an eye out for her seat, so at least she wouldn’t suffer the embarrassment of searching for her place card. Hopefully I’ll be sitting with Noah, Emily and Paul, so that if Chris really does stand me up, at least I’ll have people who care about me to talk to.

At Metro:

Luke and Reid had arrived early and both looked impossibly handsome in their custom made tuxes.

Luke had wanted to arrive early to make sure that everything was running smoothly. He knew that it was Bob’s night and he didn’t want to do anything to take away from this special occasion. He also hoped that it would be spectacular night for Reid and he wanted everything to go perfectly for his partner.

Reid was happy to come early, because he knew that there were going to be plenty of appetizers and he didn’t want to miss out on any of them.

Katie had insisted on driving herself, not wanting to be anymore of a third wheel than she already was. Katie looked beautiful in a stunning black cocktail dress. When Katie arrived she found Luke mingling with some of the other guests and Reid gobbling up an enormous plate of finger food.

“Hey Handsome,” she greeted Reid teasingly.

“Hi Katie,” he responded around a mouthful of food.

Katie rolled her eyes.

Luke walked over to them with a big smile on his face. “Katie you look amazing,” he announced, before leaning in and kissing her warmly on the cheek.

“You don’t look so bad yourself, Luke,” she answered. “This one,” she added, nodding at Reid. “I’m not so sure about.”

Luke laughed as Reid looked completely non-plussed.

“Shall we?” Katie asked linking one of her arms through one of each of her escorts. The three of them made a striking entrance as they headed toward their table. They were the first ones to arrive and they were happy to talk amongst themselves.

“Do you know where Chris is supposed to be sitting?” Katie asked, hoping it was far away from their table.

“Yes, right over there,” Luke answered and pointed at a table next to the exit.

“Wow that is not a very good table. Did you do that on purpose?” Katie asked, surprised because Luke was always considerate and never petty.

“No, it was Bob’s idea. He said that he wanted to make sure that Chris was as close to the exit as possible. I’m not really sure why.”

Reid smirked at that, but didn’t make a comment.

Just then Casey, Barbara and Henry came and joined them.

Luke stood up to welcome them, shaking Henry’s hand and kissing Barbara warmly on the cheek. Casey gave Luke an awkward hug and sat down beside him.

Katie hugged Henry who sat down beside her and nodded at Barbara.

Reid just grunted hello to the newcomers.

When everyone was settled Reid turned to Luke. “Why didn’t you tell me that Hank was sitting at our table? I thought that it was just going to be the four of us,” he grumbled.

“Henry was always going to sit here. Maddie is Henry’s sister so it made sense to put them at the same table. Katie loves Henry so she was the perfect replacement for Maddie.”

Reid rolled his eyes, but nodded his head.

Luke noticed that room was quickly filling up. He waved to his mom and dad who were sitting at the table behind his. He noticed that his mother looked a little put out, and realized that she was probably annoyed not to be sitting at his table.

He noticed Craig walk in and take his seat next to Margo. He also saw Tom frown at Craig. Oh well, you can’t please everyone and Craig had to sit somewhere.

He looked at the table closest to the door and was surprised to see Noah sitting by himself. I wonder where Chris is. I can’t imagine that he wouldn’t come to his own father’s retirement party. That would be incredibly thoughtless, even for Chris.

As he was thinking this he saw Paul and Emily sit down at Noah’s table.

Luke looked to his far right and saw that all of the expected board members had arrived.

Finally, he looked at the last tables that had an assortment of hospital staff. He knew that there had already been a celebration at the hospital, and that many of the staff was working tonight, but he was happy that some of the older staff had been able to attend this event. He knew that it would mean a lot to Bob.

“Hey Luke,” Reid nudged Luke in the ribs. “It looks like this shindig is about to get underway. Here comes the food.”

Luke laughed, happy to be sitting here with Reid. “I hope that the food meets with your approval, I tried for sandwiches, but it was a non starter, sorry,” he teased.

“Ha ha,” Reid replied. “Although I think sandwiches would have been an excellent choice. I know that Teri is an excellent chef, so I’m sure that anything she prepared will be amazing. I mean she’s no Grandma Emma, but she does make amazing food. Did you taste her appetizers, especially the bacon thingies?? They were superb.”

“I thought that you liked the crab puffs the best, you inhaled about a hundred of them. I only had a few appetizers as I was saving room for dinner,” Luke explained.

“What is this saving room business?” Reid asked a look of abject horror on his face.

Just before the food was served, Bob stood up at his table and began to speak. “I just wanted to take a moment and thank everyone for coming,” he paused and looked at the two empty seats where Chris and Ali should be seating. “I am so happy to see so many faces of my colleagues, family and friends.  Bon Appétit!” Everyone clapped for Bob as he re took his seat.

After that the wait staff quickly served everyone’s food. Just as Luke was about to begin eating he felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked up and saw that it was Noah.

“What’s up, Noah? You should probably go back to your table, or your dinner will get cold.”

“Luke, I care about other things besides food,” he said looking pointedly at Reid who had already begun eating with gusto.

“Noah, I don’t want to fight with you,” Luke said patiently.

“Me neither. I just came over here because I am worried about Ali and Chris, they haven’t arrived yet and I’m worried that something has happened to them.”

Luke sighed. “Have you tried calling Ali?”

“Yes, but it went straight to her voicemail.”

“Well I’m surprised that they’re not here yet, but I really don’t know what I can do.”

“You’re just going to sit here and eat?”

“Um, yes,” Luke replied. “Let me know if you find anything else out.”

Noah stared at Luke, incredulously. “I just don’t know who you are anymore,” he muttered and returned to his table.

Just as Noah sat down the doors flew open and Chris and Ali walked in. Chris had a big smile on his face which quickly died when he saw that Reid was sitting in his seat. He also noticed that while people were staring at him, they weren’t applauding and in fact they looked a little bit annoyed with him. He looked at his father, who frowned at him in disapproval and went back to eating.

Ali, who at least had the sense to look chagrined at their lateness, whispered harshly to Chris that they needed to sit down.

“Here?” Chris asked, with horror in his voice and on his face.

“Yes here,” Ali answered, wondering what was wrong with Chris. “Noah said he would find our seats before we got here, since you were clearly running late, luckily we are all at the same table.”

Chris sat down and glared at Reid’s back. Something was terribly wrong. Reid was supposed to be sitting at this table…alone, while he was supposed to be sitting there beside Katie.

“What happened? Why am I stuck sitting at the loser’s table? Reid must have switched places with me,” Chris grumbled.

“Oh no honey,” Janet announced. “Reid was always supposed to be at that spot. Luke was in charge of the seating plan and the only person that changed at that table was Katie.  Maddie was supposed to be with Casey, but I guess that she cancelled and Katie took her place.”

“Luke organized the seating plan?? Why would he put Reid in such a prime spot?” he asked before he realized that Luke was sitting there on the other side of Reid. “Whaaaaaaa?”

Paul was enjoying Chris’s obvious distress. “Well Luke and Reid are a super couple, that might be the reason that Reid got such a great spot and well,” he shrugged, “we didn’t.”

Chris turned to Ali and glared. “Reid and Luke are a couple? When did they get back together, and why do they look so sickeningly happy to together?  This is wrong, all wrong.”

Ali shrugged, she really didn’t know that they were back together, but looking at them, the body language was undeniable.

“I don’t think that they look that happy together, and besides they’ll never last. They are totally wrong for each other. Luke belongs with me,” Noah said confidently.

Emily, Janet, Ali and even Paul just stared at Noah, dumbfounded.

“If he belongs with you, why couldn’t you get him back? I thought that you had a dinner date with him a little while ago.”

“We did have a date,” Noah answered defensively. “We would have gotten back together but Reid interrupted us.”

“Hey was that at Al’s? I think that Dusty and I were there that night. Reid walked in and hauled Luke off the bathroom, and they were gone for a looooonnng time, and when they came out they both looked totally blissed out,” Janet added with a dreamy look on her face. “Those two are hot together!”

“Wow, bathroom sex! I didn’t know that Luke had it in him,” Paul chuckled. “No pun intended.”

“They did not have sex in the bathroom at Al’s! I don’t know why everyone thinks that. Luke is not that kind of person. He would never do that to me, especially when we were on a date!”

“Honey, Luke did not look like he was on a date with you. When Reid walked in his whole face lit up and his body language completely changed,” Janet stated.

“Maybe Luke didn’t know that it was a date, sweetie. Maybe he just thought you were having dinner together, you know, as friends,” Ali said gently.

“It was a date,” Noah said through gritted teeth.

Paul and Emily laughed.

Chris looked like he was going to explode at any moment.

Ali ate in silence, wondering if she could get a ride home with Emily and Paul. Ali was starting to realize that she didn’t want to be around Chris or Noah right now.


“Why was Chris so late, Dad?” Tom wanted to know, “and why isn’t he sitting with us. He must feel badly being stuck at the loser table.”

Kim gave Bob a pointed look; she had that argument with Bob earlier when she realized that Chris would not be sitting with them.

“I’m not sure why he was late,” Bob answered honestly. “He is not at the loser table, there is no such table at this event. He’s not at this table because there wasn’t room.”

All eyes focused on Craig.

“Why is everyone looking at me? I sat here because that’s where I was placed.”

Bob nodded. “Chris wanted to come with Ali and there was only one spot available at this table.”

“Why is Janet sitting at his table, I don’t think that they really know each other,” Kim commented.

“According to Luke, Janet was a late addition and she asked to sit at that table so that she could make an easy exit if her babysitter calls. She had approved the seating plan when Luke brought it over and saw that there was an empty seat,” Bob answered.

“Chris looks pretty unhappy with the company he’s keeping and Ali doesn’t look too pleased either,” Margo noted.

“Isn’t it going to be awkward for him to join you when you announce that he’s the next chief of staff? Luke should have put him at his table instead,” Tom asserted.

Lisa laughed out loud. “Tom, honey, what makes you think that Christopher, of all the doctor’s at Memorial, would be chosen as the next chief of staff? That’s ridiculous.”

“Lisa, Christopher could become the chief of staff, it is certainly not ridiculous,” Kim admonished.

“He told me that you were going to be naming him tonight. Dad,” Tom said, clearly confused. “Didn’t you promise him the job?”

Bob and Kim shared a worried look. “No I most certainly didn’t promise Chris the top job. He is not ready for it at all.”

Craig sat back and enjoyed the drama.


“Wow, Luke the food is delicious,” Reid enthused. “Did you have something to do with it?”

Luke blushed a pretty shade of pink. “Teri created a few menu choices and I picked the one that I thought you would enjoy the most,” Luke shrugged, feeling pleased and embarrassed at the same time.

Reid leaned over and kissed Luke warmly. “You are the best boyfriend ever,” he whispered, just loudly enough for Luke to hear.

Luke blushed some more.

A/N Well this is the beginning of the end for Chris. I have stopped for now as it was getting too long.
I am not a fan of Janet, but I thought that it would be fun to put her at the loser table

lure my fic rated nc17

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