The Long and Winding Road 18/?

Nov 29, 2010 11:35

Title: The Long and Winding Road

Pairing: Luke and Reid

Other Characters: Casey, Chris, Noah, and Lily.

Summary: This is a story about the courtship of Luke and Reid.

Disclaimer: These are not my characters. All mistakes are mine.

Rating PG 14

Warning:  Strong Language

At first, Luke hadn’t been all that worried about not getting in touch with Reid. He was busy with the foundation and getting his mom settled back in. So he just assumed that Reid must be busy too. That lasted two days.

On the third day, he woke up feeling very uneasy. The fact that he hadn’t even spoke to Reid in two whole days began to weigh on him.

He looked again at Reid’s business card and wondered at the words ‘Goodbye Luke.’ What did he mean? Was he just saying goodbye or was he breaking up with me? Why hasn’t he called me back? I wonder what he’s thinking.

I thought that everything was going great. Could I really have been that far off the mark?

He called Reid again and once again got Reid’s voice mail. He left another message. “Reid, it’s Luke, we need to talk. Call me!!!”

Luke stared at his phone, willing Reid to call him back, it didn’t work. Luke sighed and decided to get ready for work.

Once showered and dressed he headed downstairs. He was just about how the door, when he heard his mother call his name.

“Luke sweetie, I’ve got breakfast for you.”

“Thanks Mom,” Luke replied with a sigh.

He sat down at the table and waited for his mother to bring him a plate.

Lily brought over pancakes and bacon with maple syrup and berries.

“Thanks Mom this looks great,” Luke said without any enthusiasm.

“What’s wrong, honey?”

Luke sighed he wasn’t up for having this conversation with his mother.

“Nothing Mom, I’m fine,” Luke stated firmly.

“Luke I’m your mother, I know when something is bothering you. What did that awful Reid Oliver do? I knew that he was trouble. You should call Noah.”

“Mom just drop it. Reid didn’t do anything and even if he had, I would not want to get back together with Noah. You have got to let that dream go. Noah and I are not right for each other.”

“Okay Luke, I’ll drop it for now. Please enjoy your breakfast.”

Luke ate, feeling guilty for upsetting his mother. God I just want to get out of here.

Luke ate just enough food to satisfy his mother, thanked her for breakfast and then headed off to the foundation.

While he was at work he kept checking his phone to make sure that it was on. His phone finally rang at 9:30.

“Hello,’ Luke answered breathlessly.

“Hi Luke, are you okay?” Casey asked.

“Yeah,” he answered feeling deflated.

“What’s the matter? Were you expecting to hear for someone else?”

“I uh thought you might be Reid.”

“Did something happen with you guys? He’s even crankier  today than usual.”

Luke sighed heavily. “I don’t know. Say do you want to meet for coffee? I could really use someone to talk to.”

“Sorry I can’t meet you right now but how about lunch? I can meet you at Al’s at 12:00.”

“Why don’t I pick you up at the hospital instead?”

“Sure I’ll see you around 12.”


Luke hung up the phone and tried to concentrate on work, but thoughts of Reid kept distracting him.

Luke grabbed his jacket and headed out to Java.

He walked in and decided to get Reid a latte and take it to him. He really needed to talk to the other man and it was obvious that he was going to have to force the issue.

As he entered Java, he quickly scanned the room in the hopes of seeing Reid sitting at one of the tables. Reid wasn’t there.

“Hey Luke,” he heard Noah say from behind him. “I was worried that you weren’t going to make it in this morning, you’re usually here at 10:00.”

“Uh yeah, I guess so,” Luke responded feeling awkward.

“Do you want to have coffee with me? I really liked spending time with you the other day,” Noah said with a hopeful smile.

“No, sorry I’m in a bit of a hurry. I’m just here to pick up a coffee for me and a latte for Reid.”

Noah’s face fell. “You’re still seeing Reid? I thought that would be over by now.”

“Why would you say that?”

“Well, you know, he’s a lot older than you and it’s painfully clear that you two are horribly mismatched. I mean he’s a neurosurgeon and you didn’t even graduate from college. I figured that he was just in it for the sex.”

“Thanks for that Noah. That is just so flattering.”

Noah squinted at Luke. “What’s your problem? I’m only telling you the truth. I care about you Luke; I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

Luke rolled his eyes inwardly. “Can I just get the coffees so that I can go? I want a large black coffee for me and a caramel latte with an extra shot for Reid.”

“Sure Luke, I’ll get them for you.”

When Noah had prepared the coffees he brought them over to Luke.

“Luke I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings. I just wanted to be honest with you. You know that I want us to get back together. Even you have to admit that we were great together and are a much better fit that you and Reid,” Noah finished squinting intently at Luke to ensure that the younger man understood his motives.

“Okay, well I’ve got to go,” Luke answered taking his drinks with him. Was he always this self-centered? As if telling me that I’m not good enough to be with Reid would make me want to get back together with him.

Luke walked into the hospital and down the hall towards Reid’s office. He was just about to say hello to the nurses when he noticed that they were all scowling at him. That’s weird, why are they all glaring at me?

Luke, who was already nervous about barging in on Reid, started to feel very uncomfortable.

Gretchen came over to him. “What are you doing here Luke?” she ventured in a very cold tone.

“Uh I just came to see Dr. Oliver and to bring him a coffee,” Luke explained feeling like a twelve year old.

“He’s not available to see you, but you can leave his drink and I’ll see that he gets it,” she answered sternly.

“Is he with a patient? I don’t mind waiting for him. I really need to see him,” Luke knew that he was whining, but he really was desperate to see Reid.

“As I said, he’s not available to see you. You may leave the coffee for him or you can take it with you, but I am afraid that I am going to have to ask you to leave.”

Luke just stood there for a moment, gaping at Gretchen as well as the other nurses.

They all seemed to be in agreement. Reid must have barred him from visiting.

“Okay, if you could just give him his latte for me I would be grateful,” Luke answered before walking away.

Chris who had been lurking in the background was feeling pleased by the scene that was playing out in front of him. I can’t believe how well this is working. I saw Reid this morning and he was a mess. Luke didn’t look much better, which was kind of too bad, but oh well he was young, he would get over it. Really Luke was much better off without bloody Reid Oliver anyway. I will speak to Noah today and see if I can’t get those two back on track. If they are together then Reid really will be alone.

Once Chris was sure that Luke was on his way he intercepted Gretchen who was about to deliver Reid’s drink.

“Is that for Reid?” Chris asked feigning ignorance.

“Yes, Luke just dropped it off for him. He sure has some nerve showing up here, thinking he can just waltz in here whenever he feels like it.”

“Do you mind if I take that to Reid? I’d like to check on him, to see how he’s doing. I don’t think that we should mention that Luke was here at all, do you?”

“No, not at all, you are such a good friend. I hope that he appreciates you.”

“I just want him to be happy and if I can help make that happen then so be it,” Chris smiled and headed towards Reid’s office.

Chris forced himself to put on a serious face as he knocked on Reid’s office door.

“Come in,” Reid barked from within.

Chris opened the door tentatively and walked in.

“I thought that you might be able to use a little pick me up,” Chris smiled as he handed the coffee to Reid. He was pleased to note the look of disappointment flicker across Reid’s face. He was probably hoping that I would be Luke.

“Thanks,” Reid muttered taking the proffered drink and having a sip. How does everyone know what I like to drink? It’s bloody embarrassing. I can’t believe I thought that it might be Luke at the door. I’m not sure what I would have done if he had been standing there. Christ he said that we need to talk. Does anything good ever come after that statement? Fuck, Chris is still here. Why the hell is he here?

“So Reid are you okay? You look kind of out of it. Are you sure that you shouldn’t go home and maybe sleep?”

“I’m fine. Why do you care?” Reid asked feeling suspicious.

“Hey I’m just concerned about a colleague. I wouldn’t want you to make a mistake and take the hospital down with you. “

Reid just snorted. “I’m fine,” he stated emphatically.

“Hey, I saw Luke and Noah together the other day. It looks like they’re back together. I always thought that they made a great couple,” Chris paused; pleased with the effect he was having on Reid. “Are you seeing anyone?” Conveniently forgetting that he had seen Luke and Reid together at Al’s a week ago.

Reid blanched when hearing that Luke and Noah were a great couple but he got himself under control quickly. “That’s really none of your business,” he responded. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some patient files that I need to go over.”

“No problem, I have rounds to make myself.” Chris left Reid’s office feeling very pleased with himself.

He didn’t confirm that he and Luke have broken up, but judging from the look on his face and the tone in his voice it is clear to me that those two are done! I wonder how Reid managed to screw it up so quickly. I thought that it would be much harder to come between them.

I have got to talk to Noah and Ali to make sure that Noah gets back together with Luke. Reid will be devastated and the path to the chief of staff job will be clear. All I have to do now is talk to the board members and convince them that Reid is a terrible choice for that position. I won’t put myself forward; I will let them draw that conclusion on their own. Reid won’t know what hit him.

As Luke strode down the hall away from Reid he wondered what had just happened. He had never felt more unwelcome at the hospital than he did right now.

Reid must have said something to the nurses for them to behave that way. Maybe he really doesn’t want to be with me.

I wish he would just call me back so that we could talk. Even if it is over I would rather hear him tell me that than be left wondering.

How am I going to get him to talk to me?

I need to talk to Casey, thank God that we are having lunch together.

Luke went in search of Casey. He knew that he was early for lunch, but he didn’t care. There was no way that he was going to be able to get any work done before he had a plan to talk to Reid.

“Dude, you’re really early for lunch,” Casey remarked coming up behind Luke.

“Yeah, I know,” Luke sighed.

Casey noted the defeated look on Luke’s face and realized that his friend was hurting.

“I’ll see if I can take my lunch now, okay?”

Luke smiled weakly at Casey. “That would be great. I really need to talk to you.”

“Dude, no promises. Wait here and I’ll see what I can do, okay?”

Luke nodded gratefully.

Ten minutes later Casey returned with a smile on his face and a jacket slung over his shoulder.

“Come on, Luke time’s a wastin’,” Casey teased.

By the time they arrived at Al’s  Luke’s mood had improved slightly just from being with Casey..

After ordering lunch, Casey turned to Luke. “So what big drama have you managed to get yourself caught up in today?” Casey’s tone was light, but his eyes revealed the concern he felt for his friend.

Luke sighed heavily. “It’s Reid,” he began.

“No shit, really?” Casey responded with mock surprise.

“You’re not helping,”  Luke glared at him.

Casey chuckled. “Sorry Dude, I couldn’t help myself. So tell me what happened.”

“That’s just it, I have no idea. Three days ago we had an amazing date and the next morning he was gone and I haven’t heard from him since.”

“Are you sure that he thought the date was great or was that just your take on it?”

“I…I don’t really know. I mean he seemed to enjoy everything, but maybe I was just projecting my feelings onto him.”

“Tell me what you guys did and I’ll tell you what I think. No…uh intimate details please, I’m eating.”

Luke smiled and began to tell Casey about his last date with Reid.

“So basically the day was about sex and food, right?”

“Well yes, I guess you could look at it like that. For me it was about spending time with Reid, just hanging out,” Luke responded with a dreamy smile on his face.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah I get that that’s how you would see it, but Reid is a guy and I’m sure that he would be focused on the sex and the food. Which in my mind is the perfect date, and I would bet that Reid would see it that way too, provided that they were both good. Now I know Emma’s cooking is superb, and who doesn’t like a dinner catered by the Lakeview? I don’t know the restaurant that you went to for lunch, but you thought the food was good, right?”

Luke nodded.

“Okay, so we know the food was good, what about the sex? Did he seem satisfied, No details please, I’m still eating.”

“Yes he seemed to enjoy it, I mean I uh think so,” Luke responded, suddenly feeling very insecure.

Sensing Luke’s concern, Casey quickly switched tactics. “Well, this wasn’t your first time together correct?”

Luke nodded, blushing furiously.

“Did he ever complain about anything?”

Luke shook his head, still blushing.

“Then I’m sure that you have nothing to worry about in that department,” Casey stated with a knowing glance.

Luke shrugged. “How can you be sure?”

“Reid is blunt, if you didn’t satisfy him, he would tell you. He would probably give you instructions. That’s one thing about Reid; he doesn’t keep his opinions to himself to spare someone’s feelings. He would just flat out tell you that you sucked, and not in a good way, and then explain how to do better.”

Luke genuinely smiled for the first time that day. Casey’s right. Reid would tell me exactly what I did wrong in an effort to “help” me do better the next time.

“So how did this great date end?” Casey wanted to know.

“We were lying in bed and I leaned over and kissed him and told him that I loved him and then I fell asleep. The next morning I woke up and he was gone. All that was left was his business card with the words goodbye Luke on it. I thought that he had been paged by the hospital for an emergency, but now I’m not so sure. I wish that he had woken me up to at least say goodbye, rather than just leaving that cryptic note.”

Casey laughed at this.


“Luke, you sleep like the dead. I have seen you sleep and nothing wakes you up. I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to wake you, without success.”

Luke sighed heavily. He had heard this before.

“What do you think I should do, Casey?”

“Dude, you know what to do. You need to talk to him. Otherwise you are going to drive yourself crazy wondering what’s going on. Just find him and talk to him.”

“What if he won’t talk to me? I told you what happened with the nurses when I tried to talk to him earlier.”

“Yeah, I’ll admit that that was kind of weird, but Dude do you really want to have this conversation with him in public? You know where he lives, go there and wait for him. You are the most persistent guy I know, you will find a way to make him talk to you. Just make sure that you listen to him when he does and make sure he does the same.”

“That’s a great idea, Casey. I will go over to his place after work with a pizza and wait for him to come home. That way he’ll have to talk to me.”

Luke beamed as Casey, and the other man nodded in response.

“Thanks Casey,” Luke said as he paid the bill.

“Don’t mention it, that’s what friends are for,” Casey replied as the two men got up to leave Al’s.

Several hours later, Luke pulled into the parking lot of Reid and Katie’s apartment building. He was nervous, but determined to talk to Reid. He forced himself to get out of the car and grab the pizza. Hopefully the pizza will soften Reid up.

He knocked on the door and was slightly disappointed when it was Katie who answered.

“Luke,’ she greeted him, surprise evident in her voice.

“Hi Katie, is Reid in?”

“No, he’s still at the hospital.”

Luke’s face fell. “I really need to talk to him. Do you mind if I come in and wait for him?” Luke pleaded.

Katie beamed at him. Thank God Luke had the good sense to come over and talk to Reid.

“Sure Luke that would be fine. I was actually planning on staying at Tom and Margo’s tonight,” she lied easily. “So I’m just going to pack a bag for us and get out of your way.”

“Thanks Katie,” he smiled at her, relief flooding his body.

When Katie returned to the living room with Jacob and her bags in tow, Luke immediately offered to help her to her car.

“Thanks Luke, you’re a lifesaver,”

“You’re welcome,” he replied. “Katie, do you have any idea why Reid has suddenly decided not to talk to me?”

Katie smiled sadly at the young man. “I can’t talk to you about Reid, Luke. I’m sorry, but he’s my friend and I have to respect his privacy. I will say that I am very glad that you have come over to talk to him.” She then leaned over and kissed him before getting into her car and driving away.

Luke sighed as he walked back to the apartment and got himself settled in to wait for Reid.

lure my fic rated pg14

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