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Comments 9

author_by_night January 19 2017, 03:08:15 UTC
Wow! I really, really like this. I've never read The Snow Queen (although I have seen Frozen and will admit to having "Let it Go" in my head while reading this), but this has all the perfect markings of a fairy tale, yet also works within the Potterverse. Very well done; I look forward to future chapters wherever you post them.


starfishstar January 19 2017, 16:07:04 UTC
Oh, excellent, I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed this so much! I just spent months deeply immersed in working on a theater production of The Snow Queen, so it was hard to know how engaging this would be for someone who doesn't know the original. (Though, of course, I hoped it would be.) So, yay!


author_by_night January 19 2017, 19:21:03 UTC
I do want to read the original, as I think it might help me appreciate it more, but I still understood and enjoyed this. :)


starfishstar January 19 2017, 20:06:14 UTC
I recommend the original story! It's pretty weird and wonderful. (And not depressing like most of Andersen's tales...) And a surprisingly great representation of a strong female character - a whole lot of strong female characters, actually. Really striking, given the time period.


gilpin25 January 23 2017, 22:08:19 UTC
Ooh, what a terrific adventure story you've got here! I'm really impressed how cleverly you've woven the fairy tale in with the werewolf mission and HBP. And the descriptions and use of different places and countries (you're putting all that travel knowledge to good use;)), as well as a cast of memorable characters along the way, makes Tonks' pursuit of Remus feel like an epic journey of discovery ( ... )


starfishstar January 24 2017, 19:43:14 UTC
Hurray, I'm so glad all the elements work well together! That was much of the fun (finding parallels for each of the fairy tale's bits that would work in an HP world) but also sometimes the hardest part: like the wolfsbane, that was actually a very late revelation - I'd been wracking my brain for ages about what in the garden could jar Tonks' memory back to Remus, since I wasn't using the roses from the original. Wolfsbane seems so obvious once you think of it, but I almost didn't think of it!

(I also liked the suggestion that the werewolves have their own magic - I'd like to know more.)

I'm pretty much just borrowing from my own headcanon that I developed for the werewolves in "Raise Your Lantern High"! Not that there's a ton of detail in there, but it's sort of a background through-line, that werewolves have their own and separate magic.

As for having her most recent saviours be unregistered Animagi, that is such a great idea - it belatedly came back to me about a reindeer when Dyrfinna transformed!In the original, the Robber ( ... )


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Re: I love it! starfishstar January 25 2017, 20:08:41 UTC
Yay, thank you! The great thing is that so much of the "strong female character"-ness of this is actually from the original...yes, the 1844 original. I made a *couple* more of the characters to women instead of men, but most of them were already there! And of course, regardless, it's already a story about a brave girl who rescues a boy. :-)

I'm pleased to say, though, that of the images you cited specifically, most of those did originate with me, like the fishing boat and the wolf. Though HCA deserves all the credit for the raven. ;-)


huldrejenta February 2 2017, 12:40:23 UTC
Ha, well, if you heard someone saying "AAaaaaah!" just now, it was probably me realising that I'd reached the end - for now ( ... )


starfishstar February 2 2017, 14:36:54 UTC
Ahhh, thank you thank you, what a great comment, and I’m so glad you enjoyed it ( ... )


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