Fic: Sins of the Fathers

Mar 27, 2008 20:37

Title: Sins of the Fathers
Author: tegdoh
Format & Word Count: fic, 2400 words
Prompt: 11. Ovid's Metamorphoses, 24. Cherokee legend
Warning: some angst, I guess
Summary: The dreaded werewolf talk.
Author's Note: AU, because I can't help myself ( Read more... )

prompt 24, tegdoh, prompt 11

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Comments 10

mrstater March 28 2008, 01:00:00 UTC
Aw...Remus is such a good daddy. I love how he's Remus but with much more sense and confidence now. And that last line was so great and so very Tonks.

Lovely work. :)


tegdoh March 28 2008, 20:15:11 UTC
I figure Remus had to have had some emotional growth after getting married and having a child-assuming he lived, of course :p-or else who would want to put up with him after a while?? I'm glad you think he's still in character, just with a bit more self-confidence.


sspring92 March 28 2008, 03:46:40 UTC
Sweet! I needed a little bit of fluffy angst, angsty fluff? I went to school with a couple of kids whose parents were teachers, they were, to say the least, mortified by nearly everything their parents did and said!


tegdoh March 28 2008, 20:16:33 UTC
My mom was a sub a few times while I was in grade school and, yeah, ...ugh.
I'm glad you liked it.


merryb87 March 28 2008, 04:29:48 UTC
I loved this! I thought it was masterfully done and it was totally beliveable that Teddy would have these questions about his father, and I think he handled how Remus would, so very well done.

On a side note, I was wondering for a moment if this was going to be a crack fic about Teddy and his first "Play Witch" XD I was very happy to see that it wasn't.


tegdoh March 28 2008, 20:18:19 UTC
Thanks, I'm glad you feel that it's realistic and well-done.

Nope! no crack!fic from me. (At least not yet... no, probably not ever.)


rainsoulx March 28 2008, 12:05:34 UTC
Beautiful story!

“Still trying to save me from noble prathood?”

How much truth I see behind this line!


tegdoh March 28 2008, 20:18:56 UTC
Thanks very much.


pinkhairedauror March 28 2008, 14:18:12 UTC
Very nice! You manage to swirl emotions in a nice mix - puzzlement, anger, pain, relief, contentment, and humour, and I enjoy that very much!

... I love the argument about the DE's killing Ted not having been werewolves. For some reason, that has a very specific Tonks ring to it >.>


tegdoh March 28 2008, 20:12:50 UTC
Thanks. Real life is like that, yeah? It's not all laughter or all angst.


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