
Mar 06, 2008 15:38

Title: An Afternoon's Entertainment
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carnivalgirl, prompt 6

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Comments 7

pinkhairedauror March 6 2008, 16:24:59 UTC
... Offended? NO! I LOOOVE it! Haha I don't own plot bunnies - and if they are good enough for others to play with, that's actually a praise for me! ^_^ so thank you!

And this piece was absolutely adorable! Sooo many lovely things in it - from the long and winding story of the bed (I was staring at that paragraph for a full minute, fascinated by how much can be compressed in something so short!) to the reality of how uncomfortable she is (and how she can sulk about it!!) to the totally FUN show (even if the individual jokes are a little... lol well, not TOO funny if a person was telling them directly) to - little Teddy and his mum entertained by a teddy bear...

Ahem. I think that sentence ran away on me a little. >.> but I think you get what I mean. ;)

Loved it very much!


carnivalgirl March 6 2008, 21:19:57 UTC
Nice appropriate icon you have there!
I know the jokes are dreadful. I imagine Remus has a good line in sarcasm, but he's also one of these people who thinks bad jokes are actually funny. I don't know why that bit about the bed is in there, I'm glad you liked that, and the silly show! Thank you very much. I'm also glad you weren't offended, thank you.


pinkhairedauror March 6 2008, 21:46:39 UTC
^_^ I've been RP'ing Tonks since July. In one of the timelines, she's pregnant atm. Then will be again soon thereafter. I, um. HAD to have one icon! LOL

Haha well I sometimes like silly jokes myself! But I love the SWEET he does even more. And it works!!! ^_^ Oh yes, I loved the fic a lot.

Hahaa don't worry! Cross-pollination of ideas FTW!


bookish_brownie March 6 2008, 17:45:07 UTC
I second that it was adorable! I love the happy family moments.


carnivalgirl March 6 2008, 21:23:09 UTC
...of which there were many, not few, as they sooo didn't die. (Denial is not unhealthy, no).
Thank you, I'm so happy it was cute and not silly. I'm glad you emjoyed it!


kt_tonguetied July 6 2008, 07:04:44 UTC
that was so cute I'm unable to contain silent giggles!


carnivalgirl July 6 2008, 10:10:14 UTC
Oh, thank you! I wanted it to be cute. It's embarassing, laughing on public computers, but silent giggles are better than none.


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