FIC: The Five Stages of Grief

Mar 02, 2008 20:54

Title: The Five Stages of Grief
Author: tegdoh
Format & Word Count: ficlet, 537 words
Rating: PG (mild swearing)
Prompt: prompt1
Warning: canon character death
Summary: Remus does what he can to help Dora cope with the death of her father.

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prompt 1, tegdoh

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Comments 9

bookish_brownie March 3 2008, 03:25:24 UTC
I really liked that. It was interesting how the stages of grief skipped around in time. I also liked the subtle way you worked the prompt in. Good job!


tegdoh March 3 2008, 15:54:26 UTC
Thanks! At one point I was beginning to despair that the prompt would make an appearance at all, but it snuck in there at the last minute.


oneandonlysusan March 3 2008, 04:13:16 UTC
Liked it too! Good use of the prompt, it was very Tonks!


tegdoh March 3 2008, 15:59:50 UTC
Thank you. In spite of the fact that most of my fic up to this point has been R/T, I always worry when I write Tonks that I'll be unable to find her voice.


huffle_the_puff March 3 2008, 07:48:44 UTC
Wow, this is so great! I love your use of the prompt =].


tegdoh March 3 2008, 16:01:01 UTC
Thanks. I was a bit worried people would get confused and start looking for a prompt on the five stages of grief. But I managed to sneak some Cummings in there at the end.


pinkhairedauror March 3 2008, 08:25:30 UTC
That punch-line for the win!!!

This is beautiful, and it so absolutely makes sense... Especially the way he was ALONE for most of his grief - but he's there for hers. How gentle he is, despite the fact that his own thoughts are akimbo... Aaah. lovely!


tegdoh March 3 2008, 16:02:15 UTC
the punch line came to me at the very last minute, as I was getting ready to post. Tonks definitely wanted to get in the last word.


go_veg March 17 2008, 14:16:16 UTC
I really like how you took the different stages of grief and related them to Tonks' feelings. Well done!


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