FIC: Warrior's Gamble (prompt 6)

Aug 11, 2007 21:48

Disclaimer: Usual disclaimers apply.
Title: Warrior's Gamble
Pairing: Remus/Tonks
Rating: PG
Format And Word Count: Ficlet; 360 words
Prompt: #6 - Picture of dice and a casino background
Summary: It's not the best plan, but it's the only one he's got.

Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. It's the only chance they've got. )

lady tavington, august ficathon, prompt 6

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Comments 11

morrighangw August 11 2007, 15:31:55 UTC
Mad-Eye is awesome in this. Honestly.


lady_tavington August 11 2007, 16:22:15 UTC
Lolz, you think so? I actually thought my Mad-Eyemuse was rather tame in this one, hee! Thanks, glad you enjoyed!


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lady_tavington August 11 2007, 16:24:10 UTC
Mmm...right now, the closest there is to a sequel to this fic is the fic that came right before this one, hehehe. But yes, I am intending to expand on this one a little more, just a bit...The first version of this fic actually had Mad-Eye reacting to Remus reporting that Tonks was pregnant, but I decide to cut that when I started to read it through. I rather liked that part, so I'll be using that part in a fic soon, and it should connect to this one.


lauramcvey August 11 2007, 15:41:41 UTC
*snort* Mad-Ee giving relationship advice. I think he'd yell at them for getting pregnant in the first place, but oh well . . .


lady_tavington August 11 2007, 16:25:30 UTC
The first version of this fic actually had Mad-Eye reacting to the news that Tonks was pregnant, but when I read it through, I decide to cut that part out. I'll be using it in a future fic though. I don't see Mad-Eye as giving relationship advice, I think he's just trying to come up with some way to keep them together to keep them both protected.

Thanks for reading, I'm glad you like!


eternalylost August 11 2007, 19:17:44 UTC
I do wonder
if she got pregnant before or after they got married...


lady_tavington August 12 2007, 09:23:21 UTC
I presumed from the moment I read that Tonks was pregnant that she got pregnant before they got married, so every fic I've ever written about their decision to get married follows the same presumption. It may not be right though...


princesstopaz August 11 2007, 21:51:55 UTC
Wow, this was good. It fits in perfectly with Lupin's statements as he attempted to join Harry, it sounded as if someone had to talk him into the marriage. Good job.


lady_tavington August 12 2007, 09:24:45 UTC
Yeah, the more I read that part in the book, the more it occured to me that he hadn't really wanted to marry Tonks, not because he didn't love her, but precisely because he loved her and didn't want her to suffer for it. Thanks very much for reading, I'm glad you like!


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