
Aug 02, 2007 23:30

Title: Trimester Tribulations

Author: Devonwood
Word Count: 1,350

Rating and Warnings: PG/ K+; Deathly Hallows spoilers

Prompt(s): Prompt 1 (image of a woman gasping)
Author’s Note: Just something light to get the challenge off to a good start. And it’s an excuse to write something happy, because my next piece is going to be somewhat dark. :S Written ( Read more... )

devonwood, prompt 1, august ficathon

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Comments 14

shimotsuki August 3 2007, 04:18:50 UTC
Aww, I liked this. It rings true that Remus might be hesitant about spreading the news, even after he's come to terms with it himself.

Even though you called this "something light," it's far from lightweight; the opening descriptions of the Order, and how people are hungry (for companionship), or absent, or worried, was true to the setting of DH year.


devonwood August 4 2007, 15:10:14 UTC
Thank you for the review! I'm glad you liked it. :)

It rings true that Remus might be hesitant about spreading the news, even after he's come to terms with it himself.

Poor guy. :)


morrighangw August 3 2007, 05:00:25 UTC
Whoops! That definitely wasn't the way they wanted to announce that... *giggles*

Loved the descriptions of the Christmas feast - that sounds utterly divine. =D


devonwood August 4 2007, 15:11:44 UTC
That definitely wasn't the way they wanted to announce that... *giggles*

And yet again, Tonks trips up, though this time it's not over an umbrella stand. :)

Thanks for the review!


lady_tavington August 3 2007, 07:40:38 UTC
Awww, hee. I do think that Remus being reticent about letting the Order know makes perfect sense. Really well done, well written.


devonwood August 4 2007, 15:12:36 UTC
Thank you for the review! :)


et13 August 3 2007, 07:41:35 UTC
*snorts* A no-drinking contest? And who believed that, exactly? Honestly. =)


devonwood August 4 2007, 15:13:46 UTC
I'm sure Arthur Weasley did....

....poor guy. :)


solo_chan August 3 2007, 09:28:39 UTC
I agree with everyone, it's sweet yet not exactly light as you put it, I loved it, Remus is so weary of anyone knowing it's cute...and sad at the same time =)


devonwood August 4 2007, 15:14:29 UTC
Thank you for the review!

Remus is so weary of anyone knowing it's cute...and sad at the same time =)

Well said!


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