Prompt 30, Prompt 31

Jan 31, 2007 22:41

Title: Can’t You Understand
Author: Devonwood
Format & Word Count: Ficlet; 1,304
Rating: Pg-13/T
Prompt: Prompt 30 (Depeche Mode lyrics), Prompt 31 (movie-script ending)
Warning: Alcohol Consumption, Angst
Summary: "You were the stronger of both of us. You were strong enough to let me go, even though you love me."
Author's Note: What a way to end the ( Read more... )

devonwood, prompt 31, prompt 30

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Comments 8

no_sweeter_song February 1 2007, 04:24:08 UTC
“In times like these, a little love could be the reason we fight each day, the reason we continue to work against evil. Because at the end of the day, we know that there is someone waiting for us at home, waiting on bated breath to see if we make it out alive. Hope, Remus. It’s hope and love that will win the war.”

One of the greatest passages I've read in a fic thus far. It's so simple and clear, but it actually makes perfect sense. What's the one thing Voldemort fears and doesn't believe in? Love. I think that's one of the reasons Jo threw so many pairings and possible pairings at us in HBP. I think you've got an excellent point-love really will win this war, and these two are a classic example.

Always glad to see him coming to his senses! And the riding off into the sunset line was adorable.


devonwood February 1 2007, 21:22:09 UTC
One of the greatest passages I've read in a fic thus far.

*blushes* Thank you! I love the idea of all of the romances JKR has set up throughout the entire series. Maybe they will have some giant love-fest instead of a battle, which will render Voldemort helpless. ;) :)

Thanks so much for the review!


krystal_moon February 1 2007, 14:21:30 UTC
OMG I'm nearly in tears here.

That was so beautiful :-)

Well done!!


devonwood February 1 2007, 21:22:35 UTC
Good tears, I hope. :)

Thank you for the lovely review!


krystal_moon February 1 2007, 21:34:10 UTC
They were nice tears

I just wish I had the movitation to write a fic for prompt 31 but with focusing my Remus/Sirius Lupercalia challenge as well as a Remus/Tonks fic I'm writing for a fic exchange, my brain is too clogged up

I must say this community has really heightened my Remus/Tonks love :-)

Still I think, with the last fic I wrote for this community, I think it was good enough to go out on a high note LOL


molly_coddles February 3 2007, 17:10:47 UTC
Awww, sweet. Warm and fuzzy and laced with liquor. Gotta love that! ;)

Good job!


devonwood February 3 2007, 19:37:52 UTC
Thanks for the lovely review. :)


shimotsuki February 3 2007, 22:11:49 UTC
Brr -- the (dementor-induced?) chill makes a perfect setting for angst. :)

It's odd; my words constantly hurt and cut you, yet yours always seemed to bandage my weary soul -- That's nice.

And I'll echo the comments above -- this story really fits well with Dumbledore's (and JKR's) insistence that love is the power that will be important in the end.


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