Absolutely, Positively, Completely Sure (prompt 25)

Jan 25, 2007 09:40

Title: Absolutely, Positively, Completely Sure
Author: shimotsuki
Format & Word Count: Fic, 1136 words
Rating: G
Prompt: #25, 'Things without all remedy / Should be without regard. What's done is done.' - William Shakespeare, Macbeth
Author's note (added 31 Jan): This story is continued in Clearing the Table (prompt 28)
Summary: Andromeda wants her ( Read more... )

shimotsuki, prompt 25

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Comments 18

morrighangw January 27 2007, 04:03:54 UTC
Mm, after convincing Remus, I think anything is possible. =D

Excellent use of the prompt!


shimotsuki January 27 2007, 22:25:14 UTC
Thanks -- I'm glad you liked it.


mrstater January 27 2007, 15:01:33 UTC
I almost didn't read this because I'm currently working on an engagement announcement for my Transfigured Hearts sequel, and I was afraid we might end up doing the same thing... But I'm pleased to say not only is your approach totally different from mine, but I'm glad I read it because it's a great read!

You captured just the right balance of a good set of parents who are realistically not thrilled about Tonks' choice, yet love her and respect her ability to know what's best for herself. And I like the way she's slowly revealed to them just who she's married, by using Remus' reasons for why they shouldn't have been together. Very clever of you.

Really good take on a scenario that's very tricky to make believable.


shimotsuki January 27 2007, 22:41:25 UTC
Thanks for reading, and for your comments. I'm glad to hear you liked this! (And I'm looking forward to the unveiling of your engagement-announcement story.)

using Remus' reasons for why they shouldn't have been together. Very clever of you.

Oh, good heavens. That would have been a clever plan. Too bad I didn't even see it. Um. Well. (All I thought of was to have Tonks explain the easier things first, and put off the difficult ones as long as possible.)

Actually, now that I think about it, maybe Remus structured his own list of reasons in order of increasing difficulty as well. Hmmm.


eshesh January 27 2007, 19:08:39 UTC
I'm sorry for the late review. I'm trying to catch up on the posts and am so glad I finally got to this. Wow, what an enjoyable read! You caught the parent/child dynamic very well here and, as others have already said, that last line is so very Tonks.

Were you thinking of doing a sequel, where he actually comes to dinner? I'd so love to read that! Just thinking about that reminds me of that really old movie "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" with Sidney Poitier--don't know if you've ever heard of it. :)

Anyway, you did just a great, great job on this!


shimotsuki January 27 2007, 23:02:16 UTC
Wow, thanks for coming by to leave a review even though it wasn't a "fresh" post any more! I'm really glad to hear you liked the story. I almost didn't post it; I was afraid it wouldn't seem very interesting next to all the funny and/or intense R/T interactions posted here lately.

Were you thinking of doing a sequel, where he actually comes to dinner?

I've got a version of that bouncing around in my head. Thanks for the nudge; I should try to write it up. (Probably not for this challenge, though. I'm still working on a prequel to my prompt 4 post, which was supposed to be for 24, rrgh.)


jncar January 29 2007, 21:01:21 UTC
I'm trying to get caught up on my challenge reading. I enjoyed this story a lot. I've always thought that despite marrying against her family's wishes, Andromeda would still have problems letting of old predjudices to accept Remus.

I liked Ted's light-hearted humor, and his readiness to give Remus the benefit of the doubt.

Nice job!


shimotsuki January 31 2007, 17:02:39 UTC
Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving a comment! I hadn't thought much about Ted before this, but he might be interesting to write about again.


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