Prompts 22 and 23

Jan 24, 2007 19:59

Title: Tea and Sugar
Author: Devonwood
Format & Word Count: Drabble; 397
Rating: PG/K+
Prompt: Prompt 22 (Different Kind of Wonderful lyrics), Prompt 23 (clock)
Warning: None
Summary: I’m wondering why she’s here in the first place...
Author's Note: It’s only 8:00 pm, and I could go to bed. -.- A fic with prompts 24 and 25 should be up tomorrow...


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prompt 22, devonwood, prompt 23

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Comments 11

anj1290 January 25 2007, 02:36:12 UTC
Cute, cute, cute. And beautifully understated. So like Remus to slip in more sugar under the table, and so like Tonks to notice and change her ways without saying anything about it. Thank you; this made me smile. :)


devonwood January 25 2007, 19:41:17 UTC
:D Thanks for the review! Remus is so predictable. :)


phe_o January 25 2007, 04:41:38 UTC
I love how the almost-disdainful commentary slowly (and how you manage slowly in a drabble I'll never know ;) ) transforms into almost-reluctant friendship--and how Tonks' confidence seems to improve as it does. Lovely.


devonwood January 25 2007, 20:03:19 UTC
(and how you manage slowly in a drabble I'll never know ;) )

I don't know how I manage it either, lol.

Thanks for the lovely review! :)


lady_bracknell January 25 2007, 17:04:48 UTC
This is lovely. I really like the idea of Tonks' mug being Spellotaped back together, and how much effort she goes to to get Remus' tea right. And Remus not wanting her to see him adding extra sugar in case her feelings were hurt was a really nice touch.


devonwood January 25 2007, 20:28:56 UTC
Thank you. :)

Tonks' mug being Spellotaped back together

It was either that, or a plastic mug. :D


andacus January 25 2007, 18:41:08 UTC
ARGH - LJ ate my comment!!

Well anyway, let's try again. I really like this. We see so many fics with Remus paying attention to these small details that it's really fun and nice to see Tonks doing it.

Had you considered extending this? It would be neat to follow it through to the "relationship change" point.

Loved it!


devonwood January 25 2007, 20:29:57 UTC
Thanks for the review!

Had you considered extending this?

Maybe eventually, but I have a few other sequels planned for the ficathon. Certainly not this month. :)


morrighangw January 27 2007, 04:32:33 UTC
*sighs dreamily* I love the subtlety of the changes in their relationship...all through cups of tea! =D


devonwood January 27 2007, 17:12:31 UTC
Thanks for the review! :D


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