Prompt 20, Prompt 21

Jan 21, 2007 15:55

Title: Remus and the Tramp pt. 4
Author: Devonwood
Format & Word Count: Fic; 1,545
Rating: PG-13, T
Prompt: Prompt 20 (Elisabeth Kubler-Ross quote), Prompt 21 (blue)
Warning: Small amount of language
Summary: Remus thanked Merlin that Hogsmeade wasn’t crowded, as a grown man waving meat above his head was not something you saw every day.
Author's Note: ( Read more... )

devonwood, prompt 20, prompt 21

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Comments 24

shimotsuki January 21 2007, 22:05:41 UTC
This continues to be great fun! Waving a ham in front of a Disillusioned dragon -- hee! The Remus/Tonks byplay is amusing, as always. And I really enjoyed your glimpses of young Remus talking to the forest creatures, and tagging along in human form after the three Animagi.

[begin PoA geek mode] I think the wolf did leave the Shack with the other Marauders, though; Hermione calls Remus on that at the end of PoA, noting how dangerous that was, and he replies with something like, "A thought that still haunts me to thie day." [end PoA geek mode]


devonwood January 21 2007, 22:12:15 UTC
Waving a ham in front of a Disillusioned dragon -- hee!

I would love to see the look on the faces of the people walking down the street. XD

Hmm...I do kind of remember that text. I'll go check it out, since I've been meaning to reread PoA anyways. :) Thanks for pointing that out.

Thank you for the lovely revew!


fantasticjackie January 21 2007, 22:24:13 UTC
lol! Yay! Like mentioned above, I think great fun is the best way to describe this story of yours. :)

I love the opening with Remus reliving his Hogwarts days; how sad that he only had the squirrels on the days after in his first year. :(

Hagrid and Reginald are awesome. XD Ironically, I've wanted to name a character Reginald for the last few weeks; I think you just nipped that urge in the bud for me, though. ^^

Two things, though:

1) There's a typo-type dilly here: "Remus loved enjoyed that quality in Tonks."
2) I couldn't help but think that if the trees were on fire in the forest that they'd be suffocating from the smoke that they wouldn't be able to see very well through. Of course, I'm sure people might notice a man waving meat above his head, like you said, so it probably doesn't make any difference. ;)

Now. Please tell me that the brushing of his fingers on her tummy and the pimp conversation will eventually lead to... snogging. =D


devonwood January 21 2007, 22:34:15 UTC
Thank you for the lovely review!

1) There's a typo-type dilly here: "Remus loved enjoyed that quality in Tonks."

Oops. The 'loved' is supposed to be strikethrough. Thanks for catching that.

When I said the trees were on fire, I meant that just like...the leaves were flaming, and maybe a few branches. Not the entire tree burning down to the ground. I should go back and fix that. :)

Reginald is such an awesome name, isn't it? XD

how sad that he only had the squirrels on the days after in his first year. :(

It's such a depressing thought. I think I might write a prequel of sorts on one of First Year Remus's squirrel chats. Oooohhh...plot bunnies. :)


fantasticjackie January 21 2007, 22:50:33 UTC

... )


devonwood January 21 2007, 22:57:37 UTC
XD That's adorable! (in a sadistic it's-about-to-kill-me sort of way) :D


lady_bracknell January 21 2007, 22:32:24 UTC
I really like how this is shaping up. The idea of them dragging a Disillusioned dragon through Hogsmeade is priceless, as is the thought of Remus masquerading as her pimp.

My favourite bit of this, though, was the begining, with Remus thinking that the Forbidden Forrest had never been very forbidden to him and his friends - I loved the idea of him apologising to the creatures in there for his friends' behaviour.

I, too, thought he did venture out of the Shrieking Shack under the full moon - I think there are references to there being near-misses with humans, inspite of Padfoot and Prongs normally being big enough to control a werewolf - which you could easily work into that section, if you wanted to.

Liked this a lot. There's something amusing about a dragon in a red light district.... ;)


devonwood January 21 2007, 22:46:04 UTC
I, too, thought he did venture out of the Shrieking Shack under the full moon - I think there are references to there being near-misses with humans, inspite of Padfoot and Prongs normally being big enough to control a werewolf - which you could easily work into that section, if you wanted to.

I definitely need to go back and reread PoA. :)

as is the thought of Remus masquerading as her pimp.

It gets even better in part 5, when Remus begins to think he isn't conveying his image well enough, and decides to take it one step further. ;) lol

A dragon in a red light district? What's not to love? :D

Thanks for the lovely review!


mrstater January 22 2007, 01:05:20 UTC
I'm sorry I haven't reviewed all of these, but I missed so much while I was away! Anyway, I just got caught up on yours, and I must say, this little series is a lot of fun. Can't wait to see the further adventures of pimp!Remus. LOL


devonwood January 23 2007, 01:52:21 UTC
:D No problem!

Can't wait to see the further adventures of pimp!Remus.

Oh, there will be more...*evil cackle* I'm not giving too much away, but Tonks may or may not get a leash of her own. ;)

Thanks for the review! Hope you're all caught up.


eshesh January 22 2007, 04:48:38 UTC
*snicker* *chortle* *snort* Err hope I don't sound too much like the dragon here. This is really funny! I'm having a great time following each episode.

It gets even better in part 5, when Remus begins to think he isn't conveying his image well enough, and decides to take it one step further.
Owww, and now you're toying with us. :( Hurry and post the next one, pleeeease!


devonwood January 23 2007, 01:53:27 UTC
Owww, and now you're toying with us. :(

*snickers* I'm so evil. :D

Also, I'll tell you that the next chapter involves more leashes than just the one around Reginald's neck. ;)

Thanks for the review!


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