Waves (prompt 1)

Jan 01, 2007 02:57

Title: Waves
Author: shimotsuki
Format & Word Count: Double drabble, 259 words
Rating: G
Prompt: #1 (photo: seashore)
Summary: Remus tries not to think.


It was cold. The wind was bitter, and the sea spray stung like needles. But Remus huddled into Molly's Christmas jumper and kept walking.

He was here to listen to the waves. They surged and broke, one after the other, with a numbing regularity. If he let the constant crashing of the surf fill his mind, it kept him from thinking about anything at all.

When Remus had come here before, it was because he had no one. He had virtually haunted this beach after the Halloween night when his world ended. Over the years, as the grief had dulled, he came less and less often. Then he learned the truth about Sirius, and he hadn't been back here since.

Until today.

This time he was here because he had someone. Or at least, there was someone who wanted him to have her. He stopped short and buried his face in his hands. He mustn't think about Tonks - about her dark eyes bright with tears, her heart-shaped face gone pale and drawn, her hair devoid of color. All because he had forced himself to push her away.

There were other things he mustn't think about. Arthur's relentlessly logical argument that Remus wasn't dangerous as long as he locked himself in at full moons. Molly's dogged insistence that he stop making Tonks miserable. The fact that, now that Christmas was over, he had to go back to Greyback's pack.

Remus clenched his fists and went on walking, worn boots slipping on the cold wet sand. He listened to the waves.

prompt 1, shimotsuki

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