Title: Occlude Pairing: Haemin Rating: NC-17 Genre: AU, Angst, Romance Disclaimer: I don't own them, SME does. Plot is mine. Summary: Donghae's life was filled with Sungmin. (Haemin's story - a.k.a. what happened before Meanings.)
We all need more Haemin~kendayawindJune 28 2011, 03:24:18 UTC
Do I comfort him? I want to! I wish I could, ><;;
“Let them catch us, Min. Let the world know that I belong to you, that you belong to me. What does it matter?” -< <3 this line! Sometimes I think that, why not just admit to a relationship, why worry about everyone, but it’s never that easy sadly enough.
But when Donghae woke up and there was no one beside him, the heart just chipped off, especially knowing Sungmin was planning on just leaving without saying anything ><. I feel as if the moment he said “Donghae” was just his way of cutting off everything between them, and no wonder he wanted to be called just “Hae” in the original oneshot ><.
I hope Donghae finds happiness! Even if it isn’t with Sungmin, I hope he does <3 He deserves it!
Love it~ <3 <3 <3 So many Sungmin-based pairings and Haemin is still just as sweet <3
Off to read Kyumin >D
Love~ Nyx~ <3
PS. Not sure why, but suddenly country!Donghae looks very cute in my eyes o.O
Smut is not only thing which makes it sexy. I think your writing is great!! I can see how Donghae is growling and staring at Sungmin with bloodshot eyes!
Comments 10
Do I comfort him? I want to! I wish I could, ><;;
“Let them catch us, Min. Let the world know that I belong to you, that you belong to me. What does it matter?” -< <3 this line! Sometimes I think that, why not just admit to a relationship, why worry about everyone, but it’s never that easy sadly enough.
But when Donghae woke up and there was no one beside him, the heart just chipped off, especially knowing Sungmin was planning on just leaving without saying anything ><. I feel as if the moment he said “Donghae” was just his way of cutting off everything between them, and no wonder he wanted to be called just “Hae” in the original oneshot ><.
I hope Donghae finds happiness! Even if it isn’t with Sungmin, I hope he does <3 He deserves it!
Love it~ <3 <3 <3 So many Sungmin-based pairings and Haemin is still just as sweet <3
Off to read Kyumin >D
Love~ Nyx~ <3
PS. Not sure why, but suddenly country!Donghae looks very cute in my eyes o.O
Utterly wonderful. 这也太伤心了吧。 为了他的幸福, 就悄悄地离开。 *sigh*
*off to read the other two*
Thank you for sharing.
I think your writing is great!!
I can see how Donghae is growling and staring at Sungmin with bloodshot eyes!
sweet HAEMIN
I love your Haemin and that was woooow
write more Haemin after that <3
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