Femslash: The Other Love That Dare Not Speak Its Name actually made it onto the main track this year. On the one hand, that's good. On the other hand, I'm fairly sure it only made it because there weren't very many panels suggested
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* Rode Hard, Put Away Wet: Lesbian Cowboy Erotica - the lesbian cowboy erotica collection I mentioned working my way through. (I can't believe no one else had even heard of it.)
The editors of RODE HARD, Rakelle Valencia and Sacchi Green also did another anthology of lesbian erotica called "HARD ROAD, EASY RIDING" with a biker/motorcycle theme, published by the same publisher (Harrington Park Press, under their Alice Street Editions imprint). Harrington/Alice Street has some other lesbian erotica books, too. I'm in one that has a sf/f themed-one coming up, edited by lynnejamneck entitled Periphery.
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The editors of RODE HARD, Rakelle Valencia and Sacchi Green also did another anthology of lesbian erotica called "HARD ROAD, EASY RIDING" with a biker/motorcycle theme, published by the same publisher (Harrington Park Press, under their Alice Street Editions imprint). Harrington/Alice Street has some other lesbian erotica books, too. I'm in one that has a sf/f themed-one coming up, edited by lynnejamneck entitled Periphery.
A cute interview with Sacchi and Rakelle is up at Suspect Thoughts: http://www.suspectthoughts.com/greenvalencia.html
I wish I could have been at the panel!
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