Fic: Heat for red_squared

Dec 07, 2008 22:31

Title: Heat
Author: riot_grrrl_ria
Written for: red_squared
Rating: NC-17
Prompt: Pre-Azkaban era, staying in together on a winter night.
Summary: Remus accosts Sirius in the bathroom as the two are headed out for a night at the pub.
Warnings: explicit sex, frottage, rimming

Humming to himself, Sirius smoothed the shaving cream over his face, foamy fingers massaging the stubbly skin. He tilted his head upward, and to the left. In the mirror, it appeared as though he were regarding his own reflection in a sceptical manner. He gathered the razor in his right hand and, with a steady, fluid movement, dragged the implement carefully across the surface of his neck, carving a smooth, tan trail through the blazing white of the foam.

"What are you up to?" Remus' reflection appeared suddenly in the mirror: he was standing behind Sirius, looking over his shoulder. The reflected Remus' eyes caressed the handsome features of the reflected Sirius.

"Writing an operetta," Sirius replied, dipping his razor into a sink full of warm water as he spoke.

"Ha ha," Remus said. "Seriously though, what's with the shaving? Hot date?"

"No, sadly, just some local scrubber," Sirius teased. Remus' reflection rolled its eyes, but could not suppress a smile.

"Pub, remember?" Sirius said, his voice and the coarse scratching of the blades against his skin the only sounds echoing off of the tiled walls of the bathroom.

"Oh. Right." Remus' reflection was unable to conceal his disappointment from Sirius, both reflected and real.

"Do try to contain your excitement, Moony."

"Well, that's just it, you see. I've been trying to contain it for some time," Remus began as he moved closer still to Sirius. Pressing his body to Sirius' back, Remus draped an arm across Sirius' stomach, allowing his hand to rest in the hollow between Sirius' thigh and crotch.

"Moony," Sirius admonished quietly as he continued shaving, "This is hardly the time, we're on our way out, and…"

"Perhaps we needn't go out at all, tonight," Remus ventured. He began to rub his hand against the crevice in which it rested, his fingers grazing the soft fabric of Sirius' trousers, as well as the taut muscles beneath.

"It is, after all, dreadfully cold out this time of the year and you're so…warm," Remus whispered as he rested his chin on Sirius' shoulder. Hot breath tickled Sirius' earlobe, the air rolling over the freshly shaved patches of skin on his neck.

Remus shifted ever closer to Sirius now, firmly pressing his hips against Sirius. The hand that lay draped over the front of Sirius' trousers continued to rub against his thigh and, indeed, began to shift: Remus' thumb was soon grazing Sirius' crotch; Remus' fingers skimming the fabric of his pants; his clothing skimming the tingling surface of his cock. Sirius exhaled deeply.

"Moony," he whined. His face remained half-shaved as he dropped the razor into the sink with a clatter and a splash.

He leaned back against Remus, his head tilting involuntarily upwards, his eyes closed: "This isn't," he stammered, "This is hardly appropriate, Moony, we've got plans tonight, people will be expecting us, and, and - oh."

The palm of Remus' hand was now pressed firmly against the front of Sirius' trousers, massaging his stiffening cock through the garments. Behind Sirius, Remus ground his pelvis against Sirius' lithe body.

As one hand teased Sirius, Remus slipped the other up over the contours of Sirius' back. His own cock now hard, Remus rubbed his groin gently against Sirius' back or, more specifically, against the cleft of his arse.

"Remus," Sirius tried once more, "We mustn't, places to go, and people, and, and…"

Remus, his face flushed and his breathing increasingly heavy as he rubbed his body against Sirius', dragged the hand that had been occupied with stroking Sirius' through his trousers towards the zipper. His fingers tugged the metallic mechanism downward, before setting about unfastening the top button.

Sirius' trousers fell to the floor in a crumpled heap, bunched unceremoniously about his ankles. He stood, his face half whitened with shaving foam, black socks peeking over the heaped fabric at his feet, and his erection straining against his underpants. Remus' hand resumed its previous function, as Remus' thumb and forefinger gently stroked and pinched at Sirius' cock through the cotton sheath of his underpants.

Remus, too, continued his grinding. His pointed chin returned to its resting place on Sirius' shoulder. He pressed his lips to the skin, caressing Sirius' neck with his mouth. He lapped at the grain of Sirius' stubble, his tongue thick and wet and warm. Sirius shivered slightly as that same tongue wove a sticky trail around his earlobe, tugging with his teeth at the small bulb of flesh, now crimson with the blood, and the excitement, that was coursing through Sirius' body.

Sirius' eyes fluttered closed once more as he surrendered to Remus' touch; as Remus slipped his hand over the waistband of Sirius' pants, his fingers searching for Sirius' stiff and sweat-slickened shaft. The heat that seemed to radiate from their bodies was, at that moment, enormous: omniscient. The bathroom mirror fogged with the condensation of the boys' panting breaths, their reflections opaque and wavering in the light.

Sirius had begun to thrust more fiercely, meeting each of Remus' strokes, when the warmth of his companion's body was suddenly withdrawn. The cool air of movement rushed against Sirius, and his eyes snapped open. The shadow of Remus' reflection had disappeared from the mirror.

"Moony?" Sirius croaked, "Where'd you go?"

He looked down. Remus was crouched behind Sirius. Remus' fingers climbed slowly, over Sirius' naked thighs. He slid Sirius' pants down, fully exposing his cock. A cheeky grin lay etched on Remus' face as he gazed up at Sirius.

He ran the flat of his hands up over the curve of Sirius' arse. Biting his bottom lip, he grunted as he groped Sirius' buttocks. Remus slipped each hand between Sirius' legs, his palms flat against the pasty white of his inner thighs. He moved his hands up, and out, parting the cheeks. Remus pressed his tongue firmly against the hollow he had created, licking up toward Sirius' lower back.

"Remus!" Sirius exclaimed, involuntarily jerking his arse away at this first contact of Remus' tongue: "What-what, just what do you, I mean, that's hardly, it can’t possibly be sanitary, Moony and, and…"

Behind Sirius, Remus laughed: "Come now, Padfoot, don’t be so priggish."

"I'm not," Sirius insisted petulantly, "It's just, I mean, really Remus, I'm hardly a prig, I'm just not entirely certain about this. You've got to admit, it is a little…"

Remus, however, would not be swayed by Sirius' stammering. He persisted, parting Sirius' buttocks more firmly this time, and plunged his tongue forward.

"Oh-ohhhh," Sirius said, as Remus' tongue circled the rim of his arsehole.

"Oh, sweet Merlin," he groaned. His hands grasped desperately for edge of the bathroom sink to steady himself.

Sirius thrust sporadically into the air as Remus' tongue continued its movements; and, once he had become accustomed to this new sensation, he ran one hand along the length of his cock.

As Remus' tongue darted and danced about Sirius looped his fingers languorously over and around the head of his own cock. He gripped his shaft, and pumped his fist over the throbbing flesh. He bucked, rhythmically and fiercely as he climaxed, wringing his cock between slender fingers.

Sirius moaned, exhausted, as he stood, slumped, and clinging to the sink for support. Remnants of shaving foam slid over soft skin, mingling with sweat. Remus withdrew his tongue, and ran his hands once more over Sirius' arse and lower back, getting to his feet as he did so.

He moulded his body to Sirius' hunched form.

"So, did you still want to waste your evening down at the pub?" Remus raised an eyebrow in mock scepticism. He already knew the answer to his question.

"Do you know, Moony, I think a night in might just be what we need. It is, as you say, dreadfully cold. And you, my friend," Sirius paused as he turned to face Remus. He ran a hand up over his stomach and chest: "And you, Remus are so very…warm."

2008, rated nc17, fic

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