Fic: Postcards From The Moon for sambethe

Dec 08, 2006 16:17

Title: Postcards From The Moon
Author minnow_53
Written for: sambethe
Rating: PG
Summary: Five different journeys, one constant relationship.
AN: Various POVs
Thank you: To astra_argentea for reading through.

On the road... )

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Comments 67

sleeper6 December 18 2006, 01:49:20 UTC
These two travelling together makes anything seem possible. I love how you've captured moments like these full of optimism and hope, back when they ruled the world. Even the later ones still make you believe something better awaits them. And the ending is just right. Oh, Harry.


minnow_53 December 18 2006, 11:58:28 UTC
Thank you very much for such a lovely comment! :) I'm just so pleased everything came across all right. It was just such an inspiring prompt: as soon as I saw it, the whole fic wrote itself in my head. Lucky I managed to claim it in time! Though I'd have posted this anyway.


(The comment has been removed)

minnow_53 December 18 2006, 12:01:49 UTC
Thank you very, very much! :) That's amazing feedback, and I really appreciate it.

I'm already imagining them going somewhere nice and far away from London for Christmas 1996.

That is a lovely thought. ♥ I must admit I felt quite optimistic at the end of this, and I don't see why canon should have the last word on R/S.


comestodecember December 18 2006, 05:13:28 UTC
Oh beautiful, beautiful. They're far too old, ha ha. Yeah right.


minnow_53 December 18 2006, 12:02:48 UTC
Thank you very much! :)

Yeah right.

Absolutely! :D


such_heights December 18 2006, 11:34:13 UTC
This is so very lovely and unusual. I love the headers for each section, and the shifting POV works beautifully. I really enjoyed this!


minnow_53 December 18 2006, 12:04:06 UTC
Thank you very much! :) I had fun with the headings, after I found an animated map of the moon on Google... Actually, they took longer to get right than the whole fic, so I'm really glad you liked them, and that the POVs worked for you.


busaikko December 18 2006, 11:53:21 UTC
I loved the rhythms of the train... and the car salesman... and the way time both slipped by and stood still. If I said it was moving, you wouldn't accuse me of making a bad pun, would you? Thought not....


minnow_53 December 18 2006, 12:05:38 UTC
Oh, thank you very much! :) Now everyone else is getting late replies and you're getting an instant one... As befits a mod! I never object to a pun, deliberate or otherwise. :D


busaikko December 18 2006, 12:15:49 UTC
I tried the turning off/turning on trick and hopefully will be getting replies in real-time from now on. Who knows!

I did worry about that--whether everyone would see their responses in a timely manner. Poor LJ: one week to Christmas, and I'll bet people are working overtime....


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