Title: Drawings for "And A Star To Steer Her By"
carmentakoshi Recipient:
ceredwensirius Rating: PG
Highlight for Warnings: *boys kissing, slight spoilers for "And A Star To Steer Her By", Sirius as an animal*
Summary: Sirius, Remus, and Lily from ceredwensirius' swashbuckling pirate AU!
Artist's notes: Phew! This took more out of me than expected, mostly because I kept sketching things and not being satisfied with them, and sketching again. Several drawings = not such a small gift, but hey, more to go around that way.
I could draw endlessly for "
And A Star To Steer Her By", seeing as it's made of several of my favourite things. Remus/Sirius! Pirates and privateers! Nice!Peter! Lily! Jealous!Snape! DUDES MAKING OUT IN CROW'S NESTS. But I digress.
I hope you like this,
ceredwensirius ! Happy Holidays and happy recovery. :) ♥
Plain background version
The moment in the crow's nest, just before Remus takes control. ;)
And last but not least...