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Comments 13

pica_scribit November 16 2010, 20:46:59 UTC
EEEEEEEEEE!!!!! So awesome! I wish I had had time to read more of these. Hopefully I will get around to them all at some point. I just wanted to give a shout out to pandapens for writing an especially awesome and memorable story!


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phiso_kun November 16 2010, 22:10:49 UTC


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myprettycabinet November 16 2010, 21:14:41 UTC
Ah remuslives23, of course you wrote my favourite.


remuslives23 November 16 2010, 22:29:17 UTC
*snogs you silly*


phiso_kun November 16 2010, 22:12:51 UTC
Ah, eprime, figures you wrote Sometimes You Weep. :) If you repost it I want to know so I can leave you another gushing comment. <3

And MY MY littlewolfstar, do you have more steampunk where that came from? :]


littlewolfstar November 17 2010, 00:31:31 UTC
/0\ Unfortunately not :/ BUT THERE MIGHT BE IN THE NEAR-ISH FUTURE? It was soo much fun to draw, I wanna do more~ :O

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it! ^_^


eprime November 17 2010, 00:51:31 UTC
You are too kind (and wonderful for my ego)! ;) I adored your gushing comment so much, you don't know even know.


epithalamium November 17 2010, 02:39:41 UTC
Ah, phiso_kun, you wrote A-Like Singing the Blues! One of my favourites. And ohkaye with The Machinery of Other Skeletons. Thanks so much for sharing these!!


phiso_kun November 17 2010, 07:47:48 UTC
When I saw your rec on your journal I swear my eyeballs nearly popped out. I was SO UNSURE about that story that I couldn't believe it would score very high, let alone be recommended by one of my favorite S/R artists. :)

(Speaking of which, I totally ogled your submission for ages. The tell-tale cross-hatching, the gorgeous hair, the subtle but painfully clear expressions...Also. Your Dumbledore rocks.)

So yes. You made me so very happy~ <3 Thanks for such lovely comments!


epithalamium November 17 2010, 12:57:07 UTC
Aww, now I'm blushing! Thank you, hun!


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