Team: Star
Title: Constellation Consternation
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Some swearing and innuendo, a resolutely shirtless Sirius, excessive use of strategically placed sheets, and overall soppiness.
Medium: ART (pencil)
Summary: Moony wants a lie-in, Sirius is a menace, and Remus’ freckles give a whole new meaning to the term 'celestial body'.
Notes: Big sloppy thank you to H for being the most amazing and encouraging art beta, and to D for comic advice/ general brilliance. Any remaining wonkyness is proudly mine.
P.S. For the dialogue, the CAPITALS are Sirius, and the cursive is Remus (Just in case it isn't clear!).
22 - Image of a star chart.
Constellation Consternation Poll RS Games 2015