Day 3 - Team Star - Fic: Hard Times For Dreamers

Oct 05, 2015 06:05

Team: Star
Title: Hard Times For Dreamers
Rating: R
Warnings: Mild sexual content; implied racism; internalised homophobia
Word Count: 9000
Summary: Advertising firm AU. Sirius went from fighting in a forgotten war to selling ice cream for a living with his best friend. He can’t function without scotch, Lupin’s caresses, and bothering McGonagall. When a radical new candidate runs for Minister, the tiny firm of Padfoot & Prongs is swept up in the winds of change.
Notes: Inspired by Mad Men and Breakfast at Tiffany’s, this fic occurs in a slightly fantasy London, where liberties with historical and political accuracy have been taken. It’s based almost entirely on the phrase “my Huckleberry friend” in Moon River. Featuring what I think Sirius (et al) would have been like if he’d had a real life after the first war against Voldemort. Also featuring: as many references to magical things as possible (including Nobby Leach vs. Abraxas Malfoy) while masquerading them as Muggle.
Geography note: Padfoot & Prongs is located in the same building as Purge & Dowse, just above the department store. Also, Breakfast at Tiffany’s released a year before the events of this fic.
Prompt: 5 - "Moon River" scene from the film Breakfast at Tiffany's

Hard Times For Dreamers

Poll RS Games 2015

team star, rs_games 2015, fic

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