Day 14- Fic: Team Magic: Therapy (Fighting for a Wasted Love)

Oct 20, 2014 11:19

Team: Magic
Title: Therapy (Fighting for a Wasted Love)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mentions of anti-werewolf prejudice, mental health issues
Word Count: 1525
Summary: Remus sits in the waiting room, and tries not to hear through the door. He wants to pretend Sirius has some kind of privacy.
Notes: Thank you so much to S for the last-minute beta.
Prompt: 61 - "Dogs really are perfect soldiers. They are brave and smart; they can smell through walls, see in the dark, and eat Army rations without complaint."
~ from a blog post in The New Yorker by Susan Orleans

Therapy (Fighting for a Wasted Love)

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