Team: MWPP
Title: It's the Great Pumpkin, Sirius Black!
Rating: G
Warnings: Extreme naiveté?
Genres: Fluff
Word Count: ~5600
Summary: Sirius Black hears of a strange legend that no one else knows anything about. He and his friend, Remus Lupin, decide to see if it's true.
Notes: 1) Thanks to one of my very bestest friends, J., for the beta-work. I don't know what I'd do without you! *smooches*
2) Thanks to the mods of the R/S Games. Every year, they continue to amaze with their fantabulous work and patience and organisation and... EVERYTHING. Thank you, mods, for giving R/S lovers such a wonderful place to celebrate the pups and explore our creativity!
3) Besides the picture prompt, I found inspiration in the cartoon
'It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown' (1966) by Charles M. Shultz.
4) The story of 'Stingy Jack and the Legend of the Jack o'Lantern' courtesy of
28 - Picture of several jack o' lanterns carved in a variety of faces and shapes
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