Day 28 - Art: Team Sirius: All the Way Home

Oct 28, 2011 03:21

Team: Sirius
Title: All the Way Home
Artist: epithalamium
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Rated for language and violence, appalling lack of knowledge with regards to perspectives, streets and what a telephone box looks like.
Summary: Sirius gets a phone call in the middle of the night.
Notes: Thanks everyone who saw the first (horribly messy) drafts of this and said very kind things. Without you, I'd have scrapped this idea long ago. Special thanks to L, who showed me the best look for this Remus. N who, in talking about Patrick Wolf's most recent album, gave me something to listen to whilst drawing this monstrosity. 'House', in particular, gave me something to sink my teeth into as I tried to wrestle with my prompt. And most specially J, who researched gay insults with me at 4am.
Prompt: 19 - "It is not down in any map; true places never are." - Herman Melville

All the Way Home

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