It's been awhile...
My time has been divided between being Jack's mom and starting a new business.
The new business is Meant to Be: Adoption Profles, Lifebooks, & More. I've printed out all the forms. I've gotten 4 people to say I can do free scrapbooks in exchange for using them in my portfolio. I might have a logo.
The logo thing...
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Comments 10
If you're up for the work of gdiapers, you might not find cloth diapering that much more difficult and it would save you some serious cash (especially if there's another kiddo in your future). We've been very happy with that decision. If you have any questions about getting started, let me know.
We use a variation of this. He gets to "brush" his teeth in the morning, and then he gets to start brushing, but then I have to do the real job. He's figured that out, though, and resists. Turning him upside down is working at the moment.
I'm wondering if "toothpaste" would help or hinder the process?
Gs are really the best of both worlds. Sure, they contain SAP, which some people are against, but it's not at though we're coating the child's diaper area in it. It's inside the diaper. Very little poop goes in our washer now. It's much easier to deal with flushable poop than let's figure out how to get this off the diaper poop. I know there are sprayers, but I'm lazy. I belong to the CDing group here, because of gs and for a friend who doesn't do LJ, to look for stuff for her. Most of them think Gs are some sort of anti-Christ device.
I've toyed with the idea of starting my own business of something but know there's no way I could do a full fledged business while taking care of Sophie. I have been hunting for various other ways to make money in the meantime, even if it's only a little here and there. Eventually (really, I promise), I'll be sharing all my make-money-at-home ideas.
I think Jack is probably ahead of Sophie. She talks and signs, but isn't using complete sentences very often. She has started to sing along with the Signing Time songs. She actually just signed/sang the Imagination song while it was playing in the background of the scrolling credits. She doesn't know any numbers yet but she's starting to pick up on the alphabet I think.
I wish FlyLady had a cleaner website. I do NOT like her site at all, but she has some great ideas.
I need to really start working on weight loss now. I'm tired of being fat, seriously.
I lost 30 pounds with WW in 2000. I kept it off for 4 years. In 2003, I was injured and now have nerve damage in my knee. Even while I couldn't walk, I stayed at goal. Then everything got worse, we moved to CA, and I said "fuck it" and gained 50 pounds. I've lost a bit over 30 now. I'll never be as skinny as I was at my wedding, but at least I'll be healthier again. Losing weight and keeping it off, with a child, is incredibly difficult.
I saw an ad in our community newsletter from a local Curves looking for people to be in a study. It includes free access to their equipment for a month. I'm tempted, if they have daycare or something.
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