
Apr 12, 2011 17:08


Post who you love, what games make you smile, or post your own journals for a pick-me-up. Posting your own threads is encouraged and welcomed in this meme, so please don't hesitate!

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meme the seventh

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hurricane_chris April 12 2011, 22:39:33 UTC
At planeocracy:

Lyle Dylandy | Gundam 00 | becomethesniper
Ky Kiske | Guilty Gear | sacred_thunder
Rider | Fate/stay night | gorgeous_gorgon
Akihiko Sanada | Persona 3 | that_left_hook
Son Gohan | Dragon Ball Z | return_my_rice
Ike | Fire Emblem (Tellius) | yunes_chosen
Rune Walsh | Phantasy Star IV | the_fifth_lutz

At route_29:

Athrun Zala | Gundam SEED | shieldofjustice
Shirou Emiya | Fate/stay night | wontdieifkilled


herbrotherslove April 13 2011, 00:02:51 UTC
What can I say that I haven't said a hundred times already? A hundred and one times for emphasis, just because it is all so true. You are a wonderful roleplayer, and I love all our threads together. You're also a great mod and extremely good at organizing, and we're lucky to have you.


usedcalmmind April 13 2011, 00:58:57 UTC
The usual, bro: we don't play in the same fandoms, but I do adore your boys. Tagging with them is always a pleasure; I'm especially fond of Quistis and Athrun, and Shirou and Marco are definitely growing on me. ♥ Keep up the awesome work.


friendshipbeam April 13 2011, 01:20:08 UTC
You are kind of amazing. Your characters always seem really interesting, even the ones I'm not familiar with. You know your limits and you know what you can and can't do, which is always good because then you can do your best. Also, you're a really nice person OOCly and you seem to get along with most people.


restardom April 13 2011, 02:50:59 UTC
I will forever say that you made me take Athrun seriously (seriously, you don't want to know all the jokes I used to make about his mossy eyes swimming in the ocean of pain) and adore him, I love your Shirou, and you can juggle so many characters FAR better than I ever could. It's been a joy threading with you ever since the beginning and never leave or I swear I will cry TORRENTIAL DOWNPOURS.


strikeoffreedom April 13 2011, 04:39:50 UTC

No seriously, I enjoy tagging off your Athrun @_@ He's so amazing


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