Sarah Jane stretched out in her beach chair and adjusted her bikini as the sun shone down on her skin from the bright, blue, California sky. After back-to-back dealings with Sontarans, Daleks, and Cybermen, she insisted to the Doctor that they take time for a brief holiday jaunt. Time, Sarah thought, with a wry smile. How archaic the notion of time actually was when you've travelled through the boundries of time and space.
Which is what brought them Venice Beach, California, 1975. Sarah had always wanted to see California (at least once), and she was determined to finally get a could really pick up a pale pallor traipsing about in the TARDIS for weeks, months on end.
Sarah could make out Oil rigs in the distance...and from what she knew about the region, Venice Beach was heavily drilled for oil in the 1930' the point that it supplanted amusements and left the beaches in disrepair. But it was a short lived boom, and since then, The ecology had far improved, according to the Doctor.
Speaking of that, Sarah thought, as she sat up and craned her neck to the left, to view her travelling companion, who was sitting under a beach umbrella in his deck chair, still wearing his now-customary hat, scarf, and long coat...and looking more than slightly ridiculous on a warm sunny Californian beach.
"Don't you think you should shed some of those layers if you want to get some color? Or is "pale of death" the customary skin tone for all Time Lords back home on Gallifrey?"