(no subject)

Aug 27, 2003 02:09

The LiveJournal Post Stereotype Quiz!

Which stereotypical post belongs to which LiveJournal user?

Stereotype One

Load the program.
RaNdOm AsSh0LE: Why did the baby cross the road?
M3: idfk
RaNdOm AsSh0LE: He was tied to the chicken.
lolz! I love ddr.

Stereotype Two

I can't get a girl. Someone talk to me before I start to cry.
::sigh:: I'll be on later, I have to go make another list of all my crushes.

Stereotype Three

SCORE i totally got this chick to do a backfilp at school today. man my ass hurts from allt he spankings i got but whateva. *strong bad quote*
later kiddies

Stereotype Four

I hate you and all of your base. Everything you represent sux, and I will kick your ass. Fuck shit ass.
They did it again today. I won't let myself be taken over. All I have to do is wait it out.

Stereotype Five

I had fun today. I hung out with Danielle, Katie, Miklotov, Schwappensailor, and Ashleigh. We got boned by about nineteen Coast guard guys. OH and we watched 2 Fast 2 Furious afterwards. It sucked but that black guy was hot.

Stereotype Six

Lately I have been thinking about space-time and gravity a lot. There are a few points I just can't wrap my mind around. So, supposedly, gravity has a texture, like that of rubber, that bends to all the things on top of it. Planets make a heavy dent in this fabric, and so do stars. So when gravity is bent towards the center, space-time fluctuates. Time may run like normal in the middle of that dip in gravity, but if you escape it time becomes a completely different story. Once you get out, you could, for example, go to a new galaxy. You spend 30 years in this foreign galaxy, and then head back to Earth. Upon your return, you realize that only 6 years has passed, but you are 30 years older. Or is that right? I don't know. Argh.

Stereotype Seven

i ordered a bunch of shit from ebay and it didnt come it when it was supposed to. fuck it, i have physics homework to do

Stereotype Eight

Ah manm iml really drunizzunk. Josh isn hitting on mys ister and I raelly want to hammer my dog llikesa thers no tomorrow WTF?!?! lolz

Stereotype Nine

Today was pretty cool. I got to talk to random entity A, and I haven't seen him in a long time.
Do you guys think stripes are cool? Or am I alone there?

I write poetry
sometimes I write you haiku
is that plural form?

Stereotype Ten

It's 2 AM.
I'm typing on el-jay.
All I had to eat last night/this morning was popcorn.
And some Kool-Aid.
Paragraphs are for pansies.
I just hit enter after every sentence or stated idea.

Can you guess them all correctly?
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