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I'm sorry, but that's just a slap in the face to the entire community.
This was supposed to be a way for villains to finally be brought to justice. It's not exactly justice if they leave a month later. Now we're back to the same old song and dance. All this did was burn out players and drive people away from the community.
Dolly went through a lot to get that plot going, and she got apathy, wank, and whining for it. A particularly bitchy anon went as far as to call it a travesty. I really don't blame her for dropping Riful and I'm amazed she's really having anything to do with this game and its petulant players at all anymore. At least she isn't forcing herself to play a character she isn't having fun with just to keep some whiny children happy.
It's nice to see your rage issues are still intact. Will you be dropping now too?
Try...again? If I had something to say, I'd say it. I like to think I've been pretty vocal and upfront without needing to be anon for it.
To answer your question, the thought was entertained for reasons like the unnecessary venom that seems to pop up whenever paradisa and anon meet together on any particular forum, but I wasn't planning on it in the future.
Now please, can we not? If you have an issue with me, then drop a note in my HMD or private PM me on a sock. There's no reason for this.
We still have a bunch of other villains caught, so what's the big deal.
who the hell cares
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