JDM (and John Winchester too!) Comment fic meme!

Nov 09, 2010 21:53

Welcome to the Jeffrey Dean Morgan comment fic meme! The man deserves some love, after all, he is damn gorgeous :D

RPS and character fic is allowed - John Winchester and any of his other characters are absolutely welcome here! Crossovers are welcome too, basically anything you want that involves him.

I'm looking forward to lots and lots of fantastic ( Read more... )

jdm comment fic meme

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embroiderama November 10 2010, 00:38:20 UTC
Ooooooh, excellent idea for a meme!

Jensen's a physical therapist FOR DOGS. Jeff brings one of his dogs in for therapy.


Whenever You're Ready 1/5 erushi November 12 2010, 10:33:45 UTC
This turned out decidedly less porny than I'd originally planned, but I hope it's still what you wanted.

* CCRP = certified canine rehabilitation practitioner.

Jensen Ackles is not what Jeffery’s expecting.

He’s young, for one. Sure, he’s probably three or four years older than the Padalecki kid from whom Jeff had gotten Ackles’s number, but still much younger than what Jeff imagines a certified canine rehabilitation practitioner with as many professional accolades as the guy supposedly has to be.

He doesn’t seem like any sort of CCRP Jeff’s met either, not even in jeans, a cotton tee, and a pair of sneakers that has definitely seen better days. The CCRPs Jeff usually meets generally possess overly earnest faces and helpful hands, friendly and distant as they welcome him to the rehabilitation centre and hand him a stack of paperwork in the lobby to fill. Ackles is a broad smile and a firm handshake as he comes up to greet Jeff at their agreed spot in the park, and his laughter when Bandit jumps at him is full-bodied and warm ( ... )


Whenever You're Ready 2/5 erushi November 12 2010, 10:38:41 UTC
Jensen, Jeff decides, should be made to blush more often.

Jensen’s still blushing when he finally steps away from Bisou, but he’s started smirking too, corners of his lips turned up just so. Jeff’s pretty certain he’s going to be treated to one of Jensen’s sarcastic comebacks, and he can feel the ends of his mouth start to twitch too, when Bandit suddenly starts to bark from the bit of rug he’s been curled up on, and they both turn their heads instead to look at where Bandit’s now standing up.

“I think he wants a massage too,” Jensen deadpans, and Jeff gives up trying to hold back his laughter.

Within a month, they’re completely comfortable around each other. Jensen generously throws in free massages for Bandit after his sessions with Bisou, while Jeff takes him out for dinner a couple of times to express his gratitude. They even start taking the dogs out for walks together, on the mornings both Jensen and him are free. They play with Frisbees in the park until the dogs finally tire, pause on the way back to Jeff’s for ( ... )


Whenever You're Ready 3/5 erushi November 12 2010, 10:43:01 UTC
Jensen snorts. “He’s more Danneel’s than mine, really ( ... )


Whenever You're Ready 4/5 erushi November 12 2010, 10:45:44 UTC
He’s still grinning more than twenty minutes later as he speeds down the freeway, Jensen’s body a warm line down his back, and Jensen’s arms tight around his waist.

Filming in Vancouver is exactly as Jeff has grown to expect. It’s colder than it is in southern California, and he misses his dogs terribly, but he’s on excellent terms with the rest of the cast and most of the crew, all of whom are talented in their chosen fields, so things go pretty smoothly ( ... )


Whenever You're Ready 5/5 erushi November 12 2010, 10:48:33 UTC
“How was Vancouver?” Jensen asks when Jeff finally steps back. His head is tilted ever so slightly to the left, and he sounds curious.

Lonely, Jeff wants to answer. His mouth feels inexplicably dry, and the word sticks in his throat. There’s a drop of water making its way down Jensen’s temple, Jensen’s cheek, Jensen’s jaw, Jensen’s neck, before finally pooling in the hollow of Jensen’s throat, and Jeff wants to lick it away. He wants to lap at that freckled skin, to discover if pool water tastes any different when tongued off a honeyed tan. He wants to mouth at the curve of Jensen’s collarbone, to nibble on Jensen’s bared nipples, to suck a string of bruises around Jensen’s neck, so that anyone who sees Jensen will know that Jensen’s his ( ... )


Re: Whenever You're Ready 5/5 embroiderama November 12 2010, 11:56:51 UTC
Oh wow, thank you for writing this! I love the way the friendship between them grows and then turns into longing, and I love all the details of Jensen helping Bisou. Yay!


Re: Whenever You're Ready 5/5 erushi November 14 2010, 02:56:25 UTC
Thank you for prompting! I'm glad you liked it. :)


Re: Whenever You're Ready 5/5 stageira November 12 2010, 12:07:59 UTC
*flaps all over the place*

Oh my, this is so totally awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!! I just loved the doggy bits and of course Jeff and Jensen *sigh*


Re: Whenever You're Ready 5/5 erushi November 14 2010, 02:57:11 UTC
I had great fun writing the doggy bits, so I'm glad you liked them! Thanks for reading!


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Whenever You're Ready 5/5 erushi November 14 2010, 02:58:01 UTC
But who would make souffles if I wrote JDM/Jensen fic all the time?

Glad you liked it - thanks for reading!


Re: Whenever You're Ready 5/5 spankedbyspike November 13 2010, 06:08:40 UTC

Beautiful story with an endearing development that makes me love that shy Jensen as much as our Jeff.

Great work!


Re: Whenever You're Ready 5/5 erushi November 14 2010, 02:58:37 UTC
Thank you very much! I'm glad it worked for you. :)


Re: Whenever You're Ready 5/5 pigeongirl99 November 14 2010, 23:04:55 UTC
Oh this was just utterly, utterly wonderful!


Re: Whenever You're Ready 5/5 erushi November 15 2010, 16:53:18 UTC
Thank you! :)


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