Title: Metal
Fic-For-All Pairing: Chao-Ahn, Death (Incarnations of Immortality)
Author’s Notes: The element Metal is associated with the feeling of worry and the sense of smell.
Summary: For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face…
Mrs. Harker had understood her need to see this place, to honor this memory.
Something had happened shortly after her thirteenth birthday and she had come into power.
Mina said she’d always suspected and had promptly pulled out book after book that so much as mentioned a Slayer.
That’s how they’d found this place - a vague reference of a warrior lost in the Boxer Rebellion.
She looked down at the carved stone, a nameless memorial to a girl like her. Was this her fate?
“Was it quick?” she murmured.
The man sitting atop a headstone in the next row chuckled, an eerie sound like paper rustling in the wind. “You do not ask if it was painless, because you know it was not. Yes, it was quick.”
“Were you…” She couldn’t finish the sentence.
“I was there, little one. It was…a good death. She died fighting.”
She lit a fresh stick of incense and his horse snorted as the smoky musk tickled his nose.
“Will I see you at my hour?”
“Perhaps. You fear to be alone?”
She didn’t answer, her worry plain to see, and instead offered a deep bow. “Until then, Si Gōng. May we not meet soon.”
Author’s Notes: It should be noted that this is NOT Zane from “On a Pale Horse”, as he would not yet have been Death at this point in the Buffy timeline. Also, for those that care, Chao-Ahn’s bit in Cantonese is the honorific “Lord Death”. Always be polite to the incarnation of Death; it’s a good rule to live by.