Title: Chuck’s Big Day Out
Author: Vesica
Rating: PG
Fandoms: BtVS/SGA
Word Count: 200
tthdrabbles Challenge: #50: Going for a Ride
Fic-For-All Pairing: Faith, Chuck (Stargate Atlantis)
Disclaimer: Just a bit of mucking about in other people’s sandboxes.
Summary: Maybe they shouldn’t have given Faith that gene therapy…or at least they shouldn’t have let her drive.
The Puddle Jumper landed with a bone-jarring thud and three of its occupants stopped holding their breath.
“She is not driving on the way home,” Ronon gritted out.
“You are such a sissy!” came a scornful voice from the cockpit.
Ronon glowered.
Chuck made a choking sound that Rodney recognized first.
He jumped up, slamming his hand down on the release for the back hatch. “Oh God, not inside! Just hold it until - there!”
Chuck bolted, leaning over the side of the ramp, and proceeded to be very sick.
Rodney watched in horror, glancing at the smirking young woman making her way to the back. “You’re worse than Carson!”
Faith shrugged. “Come on, that was a blast! Did you see that loop-de-loop?”
Rodney glared. “Yeah, Chuck looks like he’s having buckets of fun.”
“Buckets is right - ew.” Faith walked over to watch Chuck, grimacing.
She twisted the cap off a bottle of water and handed it to him. “Sorry dude. Didn’t know you got motion sick.”
Chuck gave her a watery smile. “Neither did I.”
“Pretty sucky for your first trip to the mainland.”
Chuck took a deep breath. “I’ll live. Just remind me not to eat breakfast next time.”
Note: Yes, I do feel bad for being this mean to Chuck.