Author’s Note: I took a rather roundabout approach to this challenge. Each drabble contains both a positive and negative elemental personality trait, according to astrological interpretation, and the tarot symbol associated with each element. A listing follows the drabbles.
Title: Feeding the Flame
Word count: 200
Fandom: BtVS/NeverEnding Story
Characters: Willow, Bastian
Challenge: Challenge #18: The Elements - Fire
School taught her that the shortest distance between two points was a straight line.
With magic, the shortest distance involved a split-second detour through an alternate dimension.
At least it was supposed to be split-second.
She was standing in a desert, the dunes of every color.
A young boy stood staring at her on the next dune over.
“Not Sunnydale.” She closed her eyes and concentrated.
Nothing happened.
She opened her eyes to find the boy tracing archaic symbols and lines in the sand with a large sword.
“You’ll leave when I let you. “
Her black eyes flashed. “When you LET me?? And who are you?”
“I am Bastian I created all this - dreamed it into being.”
“Impressive,” she snarled. “So when can I go, pipsqueak?”
“When you learn the difference between what you can do and what you should do.”
She said nothing, the violet energy crackling up her arms and her narrowed eyes saying enough.
“I have walked your path. I fed the fire until it consumed me. There were mistakes; I hurt those I loved. I-“
She didn’t let him finish.
She lashed out, throwing all her power into escaping. She had a killer to punish.
Fire: Creativity/Creation (Bastian), Selfishness/Ego (Willow) and the tarot suit of Swords.
Originally Posted: August 13th 2005