If you're here, you probably already know what this is, so we'll just jump right in:
1. Refer to this community as RF. Do not use the full community name publicly.
2. Do not reupload/repost/reencode/stream/share/sell any files or links that you obtain from this community.
3. If you would like to re-translate our files to another language,
notify us first.
If you agree to abide by the rules above, follow these steps to join the community:
1. Leave a comment on this post with all three of the following:
A. A short introduction of yourself.
B. An acknowledgement to the rules.
C. A punny joke. If you can't think of one, you can go ahead and
find one online to share.
2. Click on the
join button.
We are Royal Flush. We're here to bring some really awesome subs. We're glad to see you here.
Note: An app on this post will act as an app for LS as well, so if you aren't already a member there but want access to old files, feel free to apply here and click "join" for both communities. Due to time constraints, we can no longer respond to everyone's applications, but do know that we love getting to know you and chuckling at all the bad (great) jokes that show up in our inbox.