Omg!! I *KNOW*!!! Bad enough *he* gets this 'lemon juice in my eyes' look when he asks what I'm writing(hello--it will *never* be fluffy bunny stories)but my child too? Aren't young people supposed to be hip to the jive or whatever the whippersnappers are saying this year...
*shrug* I was into slashing when I was twenty-five. Heck, I was into slashing when I was eighteen. Can't really get my head around people NOT loving it.
Comments 18
Omg!! I *KNOW*!!! Bad enough *he* gets this 'lemon juice in my eyes' look when he asks what I'm writing(hello--it will *never* be fluffy bunny stories)but my child too? Aren't young people supposed to be hip to the jive or whatever the whippersnappers are saying this year...
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