Title: How I Spent My Summer Vacation part fourteen
Fandom: SV
Pairing: Clark/ Whit, Jason/Whit
Rating: R
Summary: All about what Clark learns on his summer job.
I promise, this one is not going to be a year long never-ending WIP.
The previous parts are
here, biting their nails, jittering, looking mighty paranoid…hey, must be party night! (
part fourteen )
Comments 27
Oh, I'm so glad I stayed up late tonight! Sweet, Clitney-filled dreams for me hopefully! *crosses fingers and hopes for dreams of pretty boys*
And Greg in this chapter? Made me both shudder in disgust and laugh out loud hysterically. Only you, roxy, can do that to me. *shakes head* Gold star on this one, hon!
*psssst* Nice Jason here too. That bit with his blank face made me wince and I am soooo glad he responded somewhat to what Lana and Clark tried. *huggle*
Made me both shudder in disgust and laugh out loud hysterically.
Wow--I'm completely floored! You made me grin all over like a little kid! *hugs* Thank you!!!
MEANIE! I can see what you're doing here, deflecting me to torture Jason some more!
You done broke me woman. Thankee kindly.
omg guhhhgodclarkwhit!
just like mr. Big, only bigger sluts ;DDDD
and who the hell is yul brunner?!?! i dont know that guy!
you will see clark, whit and jason will turn you into a slut in NO TIME!
Hopefully after lunch, I'll be able to leave you a better comment. lol
Oh, and that Whit... VERY good taste in men. ;)
Damn you woman! It's hard to want to throw Jason off a cliff when he's dealing with Mommy Dearest. :P And Clark is so darn sweet to pass on Lana's info. And Jason was nice to Clark! That even got Whit's attention!
But the lake!!!! Seriously woman... that just killed me... but in a very, very, VERY good way. ;D The hot sexin... and Whit telling Clark about his experience so Clark doesn't think he's a slut, and then saying that he knows one day he'll meet someone who will be THE one! SQUEEEE!!!!! And Clark, naive boy that he be, asks why Whit is telling him? lol
Again... have I told you lately that I love you? *smooches you all over* ;)
I'm so glad you liked this! I had to get Clark and Whit together--it was killing me not to! *G*
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