LJ Feedback for Roxyk630

Dec 13, 2020 16:16

Feedback for LJ transactions goes here! :D

Ebay feedback can be found here: http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=lanimiakoda&ftab=AllFeedback
DoA feedback can be found here: feedback

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Comments 8

ssfseiyakou October 7 2009, 23:25:09 UTC
Purchased a Sera Myu cd from my sales journal (seiya_katayama.

Great transaction! Great communication! Thank you very much. :)


bishoujohenshin October 8 2009, 04:37:15 UTC
Even though she got a little side-tracked (who doesn't?), this buyer has great communication. ^^ She sent payment promptly and notified me when her package had arrived. I wouldn't hesitate to do business with her again. Thank you so much! ^^/


yukifairy October 9 2009, 15:40:07 UTC
Positive. Great buyer with excellent communication and prompt payment.


bishoujohenshin November 6 2009, 03:35:48 UTC
Yet another wonderful transaction with this buyer. She didn't get side-tracked this time! Lol. ^^v She bought two Sailormoon CDs and a furoku planner from me, and she let me know when they arrived. An excellent buyer always asks where to leave feedback. Thank you so much!


para_xylene December 3 2009, 16:52:37 UTC
Incredibly wonderful buyer purchased two handmade corsages for her lovely BJDs. Great with communication and granting artistic freedom.

Thank you!


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