Title: The One Where the Prompt Is Actually Filled
Pairing: James/Logan
Summary: Prompt fill for the Big Time Rush Kink Meme: James/Logan or James/Kendall or if you're really adventure-some J/K/L; One of the boys had to go back home for something and their boyfriend(s) is(are) missing them. Really hot phone sex ensues.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Language
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Comments 7
I'll be back in a minute when I have something coherent to say, okay? Yeah.
Wait. Maybe not. Give me a second.
Let me go grab another soda.
Damn, it's my last one? I didn't know I was almost out. Crap. That's gonna suck tomorrow. Maybe I'll have Taco Bell for breakfast so I can order a big-ass soda.
Okay. Sorry. Getting my thoughts in order.
So throughout almost this whole thing, I'm giggling because Logan. Logan. And James is adorable as well, but sexy at the same time? Yeah. That's James.
And then you get to the really intense shit and it happens again--flushed face, chest tight, biting my lip as I read. It's not even writing, it's painting a picture. And it's incredible.
So Logan talking about how he loves James' voice and James saying...things to Logan...all kinds of hot over here.
And then you crack me the hell up with that last line, and I'm laughing and making that weird WAAAAAAAAHHHHH sound *points to above comment* because it's hilarious and of course Kendall is listening. Why didn't I see that sooner ( ... )
Is it obvious I think Logan is just adorably snarky? Because I do. And he is. *nods*
Aw, thanks. *bashful stance!*
The voice was totally inspired by Mirror!James, just saying.
He WOULD. You know he would. ;) (Okay, I would too, but that's besides the point.)
I'm almost glad I misread the prompt because it meant I could write this. (Which was super fun.)
I knew that while reading. That's exactly how I heard it in my head.
Logan IS snarky. So much so. Love him.
"What? You get hand-sy when I blow you and last time you completely destroyed my hair." - I want to read that, lol. can i request a prequel? :P
And I may take a shot at a prequel. I have some more prompts to finish up, but I'll see if I can get to it. :)
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