Irrational Markets and Flight Rising

Sep 01, 2013 12:21

Like all game economies, Flight Rising's is quirky. Some of Flight Rising's quirks make sense to me but are intriguing nonetheless ( Read more... )

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Comments 43

haikujaguar September 1 2013, 17:46:51 UTC
Wow, I never noticed that about the swipping. Huh! I should investigate, see if I can sell more that way. :)

There is a lot of complaining about the economy, and about there being way too many dragons, and that the game needs more sinks to get dragons and/or money out of the system. I don't see a problem with things costing less and less, except that the marketplace items will take longer to buy. *shrug* I'd rather have more dragons than make more money! The only reason to have money is to buy dragons!

It's weird, because usually I like making money as part of a game mechanic. While it's satisfying in FR, I find I far more enjoying breeding just to see what comes out of the random generator. :)


rowyn September 1 2013, 17:54:11 UTC
I know! I still breed my basic-gene dragons together because they're PRETTY even if no one else wants them.

And in economic sense, if I'm going to keep breeding my progenitor I ought to gene her, but I've previewed every primary gene option on her and ... I don't like any of them as well as basic. I may do her wings with shimmer or something someday, but unless I turn her into a skydancer and like the primary genes better on that or something, she's staying basic.

I like the deflationary pressure way better than inflationary. n_n


haikujaguar September 1 2013, 17:56:10 UTC
Me too. :)

I think the starters are often very pretty! And wish people loved them as much as they loved the fancier ones (I don't understand the Wildclaw phenomenon, for instance; I think they're neat, but I don't find them any neater than the Guardians). I like that they've got dragons for every taste. And I like that the deflationary pressure makes people more prone to generosity: I see a lot of free giveaways, raffles, etc.


rowyn September 1 2013, 18:07:11 UTC
I understand the "gotta collect 'em all" response -- I have a Wildclaw -- but I can't see breeding for Wildclaws. They're handy for breeding with Imperials, though. :)

I think my favorites by looks goes like this:

Guardian (female)
Fae (either)
Imperial (male)
Tundra (male)
Skydancer (male)
Mirror (either)
Pearlcatcher (either)
Wildclaw (either)
Ridgeback (female)
Spiral (female)
Snapper (either)

I will probably get the last three eventually and a Skydancer ... soonish. But I've been buying genes for my current dragons instead, even though economically it makes more sense to buy new dragons than scrolls. But I like my dragons! They have history! They are from my clutches, or my friends' (for the most part) and I want them to be shiny. So what if it costs several times as much this way? :D


okojosan September 1 2013, 17:59:27 UTC
I'm fairly sure I've seen Runic Bats available in the marketplace- I might be wrong but I know I've seen them somewhere. They may also drop as familiars from the Coliseum. I'm currently collecting nightwing bats but it's a side effect of gathering meat to try to collect magpies for a Storm Seeker. Storm Seekers definitely drop in the Coliseum.

I did get a Fallout Streak from Swipp yesterday- happened to have the bloodscale shoulders and the feathers, and am not yet to the Harpy's Roost where the Fallout Streaks drop. I should check prices on the Bloodscale shoulders against the price of the Fallout Streak, but for me Swipp is more about the fun of being patient and that "Yay!" feeling I get when I have the materials available for a swap.

As for golden chests, I do swap for them because there's a familiar I'm looking for that I've never seen in the marketplace or in the auction house. I'm hoping it comes from the chests.


ankewehner September 1 2013, 18:22:10 UTC
Which familiar is that?


okojosan September 1 2013, 18:25:09 UTC
Scythe Kamaitachi- I already have the Sickle and the Salve. The Scythe is the white one.


ankewehner September 1 2013, 18:34:00 UTC
Huh. The announcement said Treasure Marketplace, so maybe they just sell out quickly. I could see essentially albino ferrets being popular XD

Good luck. :)


ankewehner September 1 2013, 18:25:49 UTC
I like the fancier chests because opening chests is FUN. Also a good way of getting familiars I don't have yet.

I'd expect Runic Bats drop in the Coliseum - they show up as opponents in the Forgotten Cave. I'm getting the impression you don't play the Coliseum much? It's where most of my money comes from, and you didn't mention it.

I like dragons costing less and less. I hope I can snag an Imperial in my colour range before the game opens to new players again, because I expect dragon prices to rise again once that happens.


rowyn September 1 2013, 19:12:13 UTC
I don't play the coliseum much, nope. :) I haven't gotten much money from the coliseum so I didn't bring it up -- it seems a lot easier to make money in the minigames. What do you do for money from the coliseum?


haikujaguar September 1 2013, 19:26:13 UTC
Stacks of food make a lot of money. Also, the Coliseum drops battle items--the stones don't go for much but some of the abilities do--familiars, apparel and chests of various kinds, from low level packs scavenged off the bodies of fallen dryads to backpacks and satchels from higher level humanoids. :)


rowyn September 1 2013, 19:57:17 UTC
Is food a good income source? I figured with herdbeast hooves going for 100 each (and that's good eating! 5 points each!) , that it was a good place to get food to feed your dragons if you needed more, but not a great source of cash. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong types, though.

I haven't done much selling of the drops I've gotten; it'd be interesting to track how much money comes from it. I was doing more than usual this week to get extra sparks. And then forgot to spend my last 25 sparks before the festival ended. XD


ankewehner September 1 2013, 19:40:41 UTC
Just spotted Runic Bats for 20500 apiece in the Marketplace


rowyn September 1 2013, 20:05:09 UTC
So I overpaid! :D


terrycloth September 1 2013, 23:20:01 UTC
Oh, you can sell *stacks* of food. I never even noticed; I thought people were selling them one at a time.


rowyn September 2 2013, 02:18:47 UTC
A lot of people do sell stuff one at a time, because when you sort by price it'll show 1 unit for 1000 before it shows 3 for 1500. :P But buying crap one at a time, or selling it that way, is SO ANNOYING, so a lot of people sell stacks too.


terrycloth September 2 2013, 09:58:04 UTC
You'd think 'sort by price per item' would be obvious, but it took *years* for MMOs to do it.

Neverwinter sort of does it, although sorting in general is broken so you can't see it now. 9.9

I made some money speculating on battle item gems that were selling for more on the market than from the treasure store, and from selling some food and most of my new hatchlings, and then spent it all. x.x Stupid sexy fire skins.


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