How can you define a look or a touch?

Jan 11, 2010 21:59

Who: Cris and Cassandra (and Cho?)
What: Lunch
Where: Cho's Place
When: Monday

How can you weigh a feeling? )

cassandra of troy, cris gainfly

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Comments 71

creaoi_ang_cor January 12 2010, 04:16:01 UTC
Cris hadn't exactly followed his own rule about not dressing up, either. It was nothing special, but it was much nicer than he'd been seen wearing recently: it was a new, pristine suit in the fashion of the demons, a dull greyish-green in color. Very close to what he'd been used to wearing in Lockstar, though not exactly the same.

He opened the door to Cho's, and smirked at the sight of Cassandra's dress.

"Well," he said, closing the door behind him. "If you were aiming to impress me, congratulations."


cassie_of_troy January 12 2010, 04:22:50 UTC
Cassandra smiled slightly, but that smile slipped away. "I'm afraid the congratulations are not quite due to me," she said. "You would not believe me if I told you where this dress came from."

She glanced at him up and down. As much as she hated to admit it, several of Bonnie's remarks were still cutting her. She didn't know what to make of the feelings, but she didn't like then and rather wanted them to go away. There was Cris. And yes, he looked like a handsome young man. A handsome young man.

Swallowing that thought for now, she stepped into the door, glancing around curiously at Cho's place. It seemed very much like her in decor and decay. Cassandra had observed that people's apartments really reflected who they were in one fashion or another. "Where should I go?" she asked.


creaoi_ang_cor January 12 2010, 05:02:51 UTC
He didn't miss the way she examined him -- he just misinterpreted it. He thought she was examining his outfit. Cris made his eyebrows twitch upward and spread his hands. Here I am. Not bad, eh?

"I imagine our hostess has a room prepared for us." He reached up to his neck, adjusting his scarf casually. He felt comfortable in this type of clothing -- at ease. More like himself than he had in a long time. "But... First things first." Cris closed the distance between them, rose up on the balls of his feet, and planted a kiss on the corner of Cassandra's mouth. Sweet, though not entirely innocent.


cassie_of_troy January 12 2010, 05:11:02 UTC
Cassandra smiled wryly. Feeling bold, she turned her head, catching Cris' lips full on. If he was going to kiss her, he was going to kiss her. She grabbed hold of his scarf and pulled him back for a real kiss.

And once again, Bonnie's voice was in her head.

Shut up! she told it harshly.

Had she said that out loud?

No, no she was busy kissing Cris. All right. Everything was perfectly fine.

Slowly, she let go of his scarf and stepped back.


tenuefarfalla January 12 2010, 05:33:56 UTC
Cho was one floor above them, on the main walkway level, ladling a rich saffron fish stew into hollowed out round loaves of bread. The lunch Cris had requested was pretty much finished. It wasn't an ideal menu, but Cho had done the best with the winter options. She'd set one of the tables simply, figuring that if Cris had wanted something special he would have asked for it or shown up early to do it himself. The Times Square replica ball was still hanging from the ceiling, and she'd activated the symbols to light it up. She thought it added a nice, shimmering effect to the whole thing ( ... )


creaoi_ang_cor January 12 2010, 06:02:04 UTC
Cris sent a sidelong smile toward Cassandra as they climbed the stairs. The light was brighter on the main floor, and it brought out the accents of gold in Cassandra's dress. That made him smile, although not for the reasons she might assume.

"Afternoon, Miss Takahashi," Cris called out as they both emerged from the stairway.


cassie_of_troy January 12 2010, 06:10:23 UTC
Cassandra followed along beside Cris. She liked being beside him, rather than walking a step behind, as so often happened.

At the top of the steps, she looked around the room. Yes, this place decidedly reflected Cho's personality. Curious. Scattered. Somewhat jumbled but in a neat sort of way. And it did smell very good.

But as Cassandra scanned the room, she noticed with a sick sense of dread, a color that she recognized from last night. Oh. So she wasn't the only one being visited. She couldn't decide if that was good or bad.

"Do you think she's here?" she asked Cris softly.


tenuefarfalla January 12 2010, 06:21:32 UTC
"Yes she is," Cho answered, poking her head out from the open doorway that led into the kitchen area. She had her hair tied back in a loose braid, and a scrubbing brush in one hand. "You're early," she chided Cris, though she didn't sound really upset. She disappeared again, and there were a few faint thumps before she'd reemerged and was pulling down the heavy wooden shutter that blocked the view of the kitchen over the counter. "I can clean that later."

She didn't like wearing the clothes the elves had given her if she didn't have to, so instead her skirt and top were protected by a heavy smock that did double duty as an apron and protection against dripping paint. There were small stains left by both on the material, and she began untying it so she could shrug it off. "Don't you two look nice." Cho didn't think she'd ever seen Cassandra looking so... she wasn't sure what the word was. It was a nice change, though.


creaoi_ang_cor January 12 2010, 06:32:46 UTC
During the time when Cho vanished, Cris shrugged his arm away of Cassandra's hand -- and (for good measure) took that hand and kissed it before releasing it. He ambled his way over to the buffet then, inspecting the food with a nonchalant air.

"Everything looks delicious." It was a way of saying 'thank you' for the compliment; repaying one with another. "I'd take my hat off to you, if I hadn't left it at home."


cassie_of_troy January 12 2010, 06:36:03 UTC
Cassandra folded her arms, scanning the room once more for good measure. No question. She knew that shade.

"I see the gods have paid you a visit," she murmured, raising her voice for Cho's benefit. "They stopped by my room as well." She glanced at Cris, gesturing vaguely to her dress and the combs in her hair.


tenuefarfalla January 12 2010, 07:12:11 UTC
"The gods?" Cho laid the smock on the counter and, with a bit of effort, pulled the heavy pin out of the floor and tugged the kitchen door closed. She hated having the kitchen closed off from the rest of the room, but it would hide the little pile of dirty dishes. No one liked a mess.

She untied the end of her braid and began running her fingers idly through it to unravel it. "That's where all these things have been coming from?" It made sense, she supposed. It was just too complete and perfect for Wizardry. "Interesting."


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