||event|| Deus ex Machina, but without the box

Jan 10, 2010 23:16

Over the next few days, you may notice slightly odd things happening in Jhelbor. Sometimes you think you see wild colors in the corner of your eye, only to turn and see nothing. Sometimes rooms will be clearly illuminated at night without candles or sorcery. And if you're observant, there are a lot of small spiders scuttling around in the corners ( Read more... )

cassandra of troy, !event, sam lowry, npc: nasisht, bret mcclegnie, npc: anila, cherry reyer, cho takahashi, npc: ayira, cedric diggory

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Comments 120

cassie_of_troy January 11 2010, 05:13:08 UTC
Cassandra stood in her room. All of her clothing, everything she owned, was arrayed before her, spread out on top of her bed so that she could inspect it all. Everything, that is, except for her red chiton. She was wearing it now, but wasn't entirely convinced that it was what she would wear tomorrow at her meal with Cris ( ... )


rowan_gods January 11 2010, 06:03:20 UTC
Rusoren will be peeved at her for meddling with this one. But Rusoren is still bearing the weight of his father's wrath, and he cannot stay her.

She cannot pull it through the gateway - that way is blocked to Her, for it lies in another domain, and He guards it jealously.

But the image is clear in the child's mind, an easy dream, so She stretches herself out of Her coils, silk unraveling as She shades into the Middle World.

She spins.

When Casandra turned back from the window, the dress lay spread on her bed, the combs propped neatly on her pillow, while several small, grey spiders scuttled away, glowing dimly in her magical sight.


cassie_of_troy January 11 2010, 06:11:03 UTC
Cassandra shook her head, but there was a funny feeling in her eyes. She turned around and nearly screamed. There, lying on her bed, she saw her dress.

And the spiders. The glowing spiders.

"Who's here?" she hissed, her fingers curling up into claws.


rowan_gods January 11 2010, 06:24:03 UTC
The spiders coalesce into a small knot, expanding and contacting as they move back and forth, barely audible clicks somehow combining into a thin, whispery voice.

spinner who doesn't exist


weedyshyguy January 11 2010, 05:49:20 UTC
It was Jemaine's birthday. Well, not technically. He wasn't physically a year older but this was the day that was normally celebrated and, knowing Jemaine, that was the important part. He didn't care about getting older. He just wanted to be recognized. It was very Jemaine. Bret smiled a bit to himself, thinking of that.

Things weren't exactly back to normal, no, but there was a certain sense of normalcy in looking through the various odds and ends for sale, trying to find something cheap yet significant. He'd done that before. But he'd already gotten him a lute. What would compare to that? Not to mention the problem of finding an appropriate gift for a friend he'd confessed his love to and was now, apparently sleeping with occasionally.

Maybe he'd just ask Cho to help him bake a cake. That was easy and normal, though it lacked...something. He didn't know what. Affection? Something like that. He sighed, looking through some bland looking pottery. "Wish I could find a good present," he mumbled.


rowan_gods January 11 2010, 06:30:49 UTC


over there

don't you want to


pretty shifting whirls

of light

over there


weedyshyguy January 11 2010, 06:52:35 UTC
Bret turned. Huh. That was-- he could've sworn he saw something shiny but there wasn't-- huh. Against his better judgment, he wandered off, trying to find what he'd thought he'd seen but hadn't really. This was probably a terrible terrible idea but at least he was in the middle of the marketplace. If anyone tried to attack him there was a pretty good chance that the natives would see a worldwalker in trouble and lend a hand immediately.

...He hoped.


rowan_gods January 11 2010, 07:05:52 UTC
no over here

shifting shining shimmering


The strange alluring gleam in the corner of his eye keeps shifting, almost as though it's laughing at him, but not in mean way, more as if it's wants to play with him. Tag, you're it, catch me if you can.

Slowly it leads him out of the market, out of the city proper, heading toward the forest.


ebony_musician January 11 2010, 06:28:38 UTC
Touya let himself into his apartment once school let out. It was a lot of fun really and he was learning to read and write a little, albeit slowly since he was still new. He was pretty pleased by how things were going, but there was one thing bugging him. He missed his crystal.

He hadn't really noticed it until he came across a person selling them. But there was one that looked a lot like his, it just didn't glow. Still... "I wish I could have that crystal for a necklace," he said. But it might be gone soon.

He walked into the kitchen to get a sandwich, stomach grumbling quietly. He considered bothering an adult for food, but passed on the thought for now.


rowan_gods January 11 2010, 06:36:52 UTC
it's so shiny

She wants to make it glow.

glow, Glow, GLOW

It's lit up, sweet and yellow, a perfect lamp.

hang it right, scatter all the shadows away

When Touya comes back into the main room, his crystal is hanging high in the air, in the precise middle of the room, shining brightly.


ebony_musician January 11 2010, 07:12:48 UTC
Touya almost dropped his sandwich when he exited the kitchen, ears laying back and tail starting to bristle at first. Then curiousity made him look closer so he approached the little light in the center of the room. It was his crystal? No it was the one that was almost like his...but now it glowed.

It was too high for him to reach though, so got a chair to stand on and got closer, closing his small hands around it. Small enough to make a necklace...

He looked around with perked ears. Where had this come from?


rowan_gods January 11 2010, 07:15:00 UTC
It's warm to the touch, but when he tries to pull it, it doesn't budge. It stays exactly where it is in the air.


cordy_estwynde January 12 2010, 04:17:24 UTC
Cordelia leaned her shoulder against the doorway, dismally surveying the mess that had once been the Frolicking Stoat. She felt a heavy lump in the back of her throat and she couldn't manage to swallow it down, no matter how hard she tried.

This was the result of a war, she told herself. This was what happened after a certain amount of battles and a flood. This damage was all over the city.

But it was hard to not take the damage personally, especially after all the energy she had spent when she had first established the business.

She shut the door behind her, sighing heavily. "It's going to be worth it once this place is running again," she reassured herself. "I just wish there wasn't such a mess to take care of first."

With a dismal sigh, she walked into the kitchen to see what debris was left in there.


rowan_gods January 13 2010, 06:23:51 UTC
The kitchen is clean - no, more than clean, it's polished. Polished in some strange way that seems to go deeper than the gleaming, spotless surfaces. She has the strangest feeling tiny rainbows and flecks of prismatic light are glowing just - just underneath the topmost layers of wood. Out of the corners of her eyes, the room almost seems to ripple, like sand seen through heat haze - but whenever she looks straight on, everything is perfectly normal.

If by 'perfectly normal' she means 'spotless'.


cordy_estwynde January 13 2010, 06:57:51 UTC
With a gasp, Cordy froze in the doorway, looking around. She had gone mad. That was the only reasonable explanation for it. Food additives. It had to be food additives.

But no, it was clean. Not just clean, it was sparkling clean. Like someone had done it for her. Like someone had heard her wish. Which was ludicrous.

"You've got to be pulling my smegger!" she announced to no one in particularly, mouth falling open in a terribly undignified manner.


As both a god and a mod, I shall godmod thee, puny mortal player. XP rowan_gods January 13 2010, 07:06:27 UTC
For a strange, twisty moment, in felt like the floor had turned into hungry sinkpit, tugging her down with a thousand tiny fingers made of sand and quicksilver.

Cordy toppled over and sprawled on the floor.

She must have slipped.

Everything was so smooth and polished, after all.


cherry_reyer January 12 2010, 05:05:41 UTC
Cherry sat on the bed, staring out at the empty room. Cordelia wouldn't be back for another hour at least. Sonic had left for Birdsong. Bret was dealing with some seriously heavy shit. Cherry was bored.What did she normally do when she was bored ( ... )


rowantree_npcs January 13 2010, 06:35:59 UTC
Milo had been with the Zelikmen for several years, which meant that he'd handled his share of weird business over the years. Very little still managed to really pique his interest. This particular package, though...

Milo was no longer a lowly skitterboy, and he did not run errands lightly. The fact that he was here, knocking on Ms. Reyers door to deliver the small box in person could only mean (not that he would admit it) that he was desperately curious as what might be inside.


cherry_reyer January 13 2010, 06:41:28 UTC
Cherry looked up at the door and let out a soft groan. She wasn't really sure why she felt so indignant, but she wasn't understanding a lot these days. It was a fun little ride, going from emotion to emotion without any kind of transition. Like a game.

Slowly, she stood up, crossing the floor to open the door. She never just invited anyone in. That's how vampires always managed to kill you.



rowantree_npcs January 13 2010, 06:50:57 UTC
"I have a package for one Ms. Reyer, Cherry," Milo announced briskly. To be delivered on precisely this day, one precisely this time. The order had even had her precise Jhelbor door address on it, despite being sent to the main office in Baku city nearly a year before the first Worldwalkers had come through, according to the Zelikmen's reckoning.


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