[Closed within the dream, but someone could concievably try to wake Cassie up]

Aug 21, 2009 20:35

Who: Cassandra, Rusoren
What: Message from the GODS. One of them, anyway.
Where: Cassandra's bedroom/dreams/land of the Gods
When: Friday night

Ah, but I believe in dreams. )

cassandra of troy, npc: rusoren

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Comments 58

rowan_narrators August 23 2009, 03:08:52 UTC
It is the nature of dreams, to reflect the dreamer. If you are afraid, they will become the shape of your fears, and ruin our conversation.

He paused. He was out of the habit of speaking to mortals, and he had never felt any need to tread lightly around Nazarene. She was one of his. And ferocious, besides.

I do not wish to scare you.

As for what he did want -

Your natural talent as a shaman is very strong, such as I have not seen in several generations. Speaking to you now is almost effortless, and you are not yet fully come into your power.

He remembered her frustrating choice to wrap herself in silk at first, her own wariness of that power. It was all very well to say he did not wish to frighten, but...

If there is any question I might answer to put your mind at ease, you need only ask.


cassie_of_troy August 23 2009, 03:17:22 UTC
Cassandra had never been afraid to ask questions. It was, perhaps, her most irritating habit. She had once nearly broken it in her eleven years of isolation but so much for that now...

"It's because I'm not from here, isn't it?" she asked bluntly. "They say that many of the worldwalkers are powerful, perhaps even more powerful in this world than in their own."

Was he taking a liking to her? That couldn't possibly end well. She had had her fill of fond gods. And then a second thought occurred to her. If he was in her mind, then was he listening to her thoughts now, jumbled as they were in the dreamstate? Did he know Apollo?


rowan_narrators August 23 2009, 03:22:54 UTC
I believe so, yes. Most of your fellow travelers are very strong in some majik or another, and the tree itself is an immensely powerful thing.

Now that she was calmer, far less of her thoughts were revealing themselves in the undertones of the fabric of her dream. Her face crinkled slightly with worry, but he could not know what caused it with taking more liberties than he wished too.


cassie_of_troy August 23 2009, 03:26:44 UTC
Well, was this an opportunity? She had to be careful. Playing a god never worked, but perhaps...

"What is the tree?" she asked.

Of course, he had no reason to tell her the truth, or anything at all. And she had no reason to believe him. But he clearly wanted something from her. At the very least, she supposed with a half-hearted sigh, he wasn't calling her "Swan."


rowan_narrators August 23 2009, 03:48:22 UTC
Rusoren wondered how long it had been since he had last been left so dumbfounded by a mortal. How could one possibly describe the Rowan tree? For a mortal's ears, no less.

The tree is upside down, he explained, holding his wings out a bit, steadying himself. With leaves spreading in the ground and roots in a thousands skies. It is not a God, but it is godstuff, affixed in the Middle World. It is old kindred to us.


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