in the past

Apr 01, 2010 19:58

[[Let's assume that everyone made it from the gate into the village. If for some reason you think your character would have put up a fight or not wanted to be given a place to stay, throw something up in the OOC comm. By this point, they're in a couple of buildings in the village, which is nothing compared to Jhelbor, but still manages to house ( Read more... )

irmingard of landing, cassandra of troy, bret mcclegnie, !event, jemaine clemaine, oki

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Comments 24

weedyshyguy April 3 2010, 16:03:14 UTC
Bret was doing his best to count his blessings. Because, really, this wasn't so bad. He and Jemaine were together. They were in the wrong time, yeah, but at least it seemed consistent. And they were generally where they were supposed to be, geographically.

There was a party going on.

Some of his friends were there.

He was optimistic enough. Taking Jemaine's hand (sure, the time seemed stable, but it didn't hurt to be careful, right?) he led the way towards the party, smiling hesitantly. "Just long enough for food?" He didn't want to drag Jemaine to the party if he wasn't up for it, but his stomach was starting to growl.


posinglikeaswan April 5 2010, 18:20:45 UTC
Sending a nervous glance over his shoulder, Jemaine allowed Bret to lead him away from the dwindling congregation, his fingers curling subconsciously. "Yeah," he tapped his forefinger to Bret's knuckle. "My stomach's been growling for hours."

And he figured Cedric was probably sick of him now anyway.

"We're in a different time now, right? Does anyone know what time yet?" He paused. "Did you come through okay?" Jemaine shifted to give Bret a once over, checking for injury.


weedyshyguy April 5 2010, 20:27:57 UTC
Bret shrugged. "Not that I've heard. A long time ago, though. The buildings are all gone." Pause. "I mean. They haven't been built yet."

Man, this was confusing. He just wanted time to go back to normal already. All this changing around was just going to drive them crazy eventually.

Not to mention the fact that a lot of their friends were back home and there was no guarantee that he'd stay with Jemaine even if he clung to him constantly like he was planning to.

This wasn't very optimistic thinking.

But Jemaine was on the right track. "Yup, I'm fine. Got a little dizzy and stuff when I got here, but nothing's broken." That was a good thing. And there was no reason for Jemaine to hear about how he'd freaked out when he hadn't know where he was. It was a little embarrassing.

Bret realized something. "Hey! We can dance at the party!" It would probably be an improvement over the last time they'd tried to. It'd be nice to have a happier memory to replace it.


posinglikeaswan April 6 2010, 08:26:30 UTC
Jemaine looked visibly relieved when Bret revealed that he was, for all intents and purposes, fine.

And then his expression tensed.

"Yeah, dance," he deadpanned quickly, beaming a tight smile before turning to stare straight ahead. "Can't wait." He could, as a matter of fact, wait. He'd never been particularly fond of dancing, nor was he particularly good at it. It was clumsy and awkward and more often than not he stood on his own or his partner's foot.

Jemaine slumped a little and loosened his grip of Bret's hand.


notawolfman April 3 2010, 21:49:11 UTC
Oki had excused himself to return to his human body as soon as he got the chance, feeling it would make things a bit less awkwad for everyone. Now he found himself actually enjoying the festivities a little, easily able to appreciate the reason behind them. Peace after a long period of unwanted violence was always welcome.

For now, he sat against the side of a building, enjoying a full stomach and listening to the music. This village was surprisingly similar to his own, from what he had seen of it so far. It was nice but made him long to be home.


minthemagician April 5 2010, 00:36:31 UTC
Min had never been the type to let any sort of situation bog her down. Not for long. So they were in the past -- she'd worry about it tomorrow. Or maybe never. She was still a Rowan native, and this was still Rowan. She'd make her way here if she had to.

Besides, the wine was good. And free. Min gladly accepted her second cup and took a long drink before starting to step to the music in a simple solo dance.


cassie_of_troy April 5 2010, 00:43:12 UTC
Cassandra was feeling better. It might have been the much-needed medical attention and rest or might have been the wine. She had a strong constitution when it came to alcohol as it was all they had in Troy. Of course, it also didn't hurt that her...well, that Cris was the proprietor of a brewery. She would worry about what title she owed to him when the warmth of the wine faded away. For now, she was just content to feel better.

In spite of the situation--awful because it was out of her control--Cassandra had to admit that she liked this particular version of Rowan. It was softer. Kinder. Of course, that assessment was based entirely on the surface. She had no idea what lurked beneath.

She spotted Min dancing. Only two kinds of women danced in Troy. Priestesses and harlots. But this was a brave new world. So Cassandra made her way over.


minthemagician April 5 2010, 01:00:48 UTC
"Cassandra." Min greeted the other woman with a smile, took Cassandra's free hand and spun herself under it. Carefully. She wasn't so far out of her head that she was being careless with her wine. Yet.

Once out of the spin, she curtsied and set Cassandra free, still smiling as she raised the cup to her lips.


cassie_of_troy April 5 2010, 01:09:22 UTC
Cassandra spun about. And in that moment, something went on (or maybe off?) inside of her. Released from Min's grasp, she continued to twirl, the flowing tails of her blouse flaring out around her like the petals of a lily. Her hair swirled around her and she was someone else entirely. It was a surprisingly wonderful experience.

She finished her spin and turned, her body halfway twisted, to face Min. "Show me how to do that," she said, gesturing to Min's footwork. It looked simple, but Cassandra had never tried anything like it before. Only that strange waltz with Jacob.


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