How Much is That Kitty in the Window?

Mar 05, 2010 21:13

WHO: Tails and Min, and Bret ( Read more... )

irmingard of landing, bret mcclegnie, tails

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For Tails, a few hours later weedyshyguy March 6 2010, 04:40:48 UTC
Bret was doing his best to walk places quickly, lately. He didn't want to miss anybody, and even if it didn't make any difference at all, it was better than not trying. Jemaine probably wasn't as likely to get worried as he was, but if it were him waiting at home and Jemaine came back two weeks later than he was supposed to, well, he'd be freaking out.

So, when he passed Tails' house, he was essentially speedwalking.


weedyshyguy March 9 2010, 07:04:31 UTC
"Aww. Yeah, me and Jemaine couldn't have any in New York. But back in New Zealand we had lots of pets." It'd been one of the problems he'd had with New York. That and the poverty.


2tailedtagalong March 9 2010, 07:12:18 UTC
"So what did you use to do before you came through the tree?" Tails asked suddenly. It occured to him he really didn't know much about Bret.


weedyshyguy March 10 2010, 01:13:53 UTC
"Me and Jemaine were in a band together. We lived together in-- um, a big city. We were trying to make it big," he explained easily, and then, with a bit more uncertainty, "I...guess we didn't do very well. Jemaine came from a year after me and he said we were getting deported-- which, um, means that we were getting kicked out of the country. We would've been going home."

He scratched the kittens ears, getting lost in his thoughts for a moment. When he caught himself, he cleared his throat awkwardly and asked, "What about you?"


2tailedtagalong March 10 2010, 02:13:27 UTC
"I'm sorry to hear that Bret," Tals said looking down sadly. "If it's worth anything, you'd probably be pretty popular where I'm from."

When the question was turned back to him he scuffed a shoe almost shyly. "I guess you could say I was kind of a peace keeper," he said quietly. "I got to travel a lot, but I also made stuff while we travelled."


weedyshyguy March 10 2010, 05:41:02 UTC
Bret smiled. "Thanks, man." He didn't mind if Tails was just being nice. It was the thought that counted. Tails was a

His face fell a bit as Tails' continued. He wasn't certain what peace keeping had to involve by definition but it sounded dangerous. And Tails was a kid, right? Not just a fox. But he supposed it wouldn't make him feel any better about it if Bret told him he was too young for that. Better not to say anything.

"What sort of stuff did you make?" he asked instead.


2tailedtagalong March 10 2010, 05:52:48 UTC
"I made all kinds of stuff," Tails said. Tinkering was his life and he had the IQ to do it. But he was modest and rarely bragged. "I mostly just take care of Sonic old plane, but I did build my own." It was a cool thing with two modes, but he forgot landing gear for the second mode though. "I guess if I had to I could make just about anything, but I have made some junk before." The first board he'd made Sonic had blown up after all.


weedyshyguy March 10 2010, 06:01:18 UTC
Bret hummed sympathetically. "I've written some bad songs." He supposed, considering their apparent lack of success back home, between them they'd probably written more bad than good, though.

And then Bret backtracked. "Wait, you took care of a plane?" The kitten mewled in annoyance at his suddenly tightened grip and he consciously relaxed his hand apologetically. But seriously. A plane? Why did Sonic even need a plane?


2tailedtagalong March 10 2010, 06:16:16 UTC
Tails looked a little surprised at Bret's first comment, and stifled a laugh at Bret's double-take. "Yeah, I've been taking care of the Tornado almost since I first met Sonic," he explained. "I've been in charge of flying and maintaining it for a few years." He did love that old bi-plane, and he really missed it. Taking care of the Tornado was a favorite passtime for him, especially after Sonic had up and left.

"It's actually the only reason I worked up the nerve to talk to him since I didn't have any friends," he continued, reaching up to rub the kitten's head.


weedyshyguy March 11 2010, 01:29:46 UTC
It made even less sense for Tails to fly a plane. He could already fly. It was like squandering his gifts or something.

Not having friends, though, he understood that. As a kid he'd always been the weird one-- the one nobody wanted to hang out with. Sure, he had a few playmates here and there but nobody stuck around for very long. He'd had to make a special effort to be friends with Jemaine, and that was well after his teenage years had ended.

He didn't know if Tails had the exact same problems, but he figured being a lonely kid wasn't really rare. "I didn't have many friends at your age either." Not for lack of trying. "I think you just have to find the right people for you, sometimes."


2tailedtagalong March 11 2010, 02:21:43 UTC
"Well I did after I met Sonic. He didn't mind that I have two tails or like to work with machines," Tails said with a small smile. "And the friends we made after that didn't either." Well Knuckles did a little, but that was because he didn't understand when Tails tried to explain things so it didn't really count.

"So why didn't you have friends?"


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